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So sorry I have not been able to update. I've been busy. Too busy🙄.
Well, I want to extend my gratitude to all my wattpad friends who took their time to read and vote and comment.
And to you reading this now, it really means a lot to me😜.
Enjoy the rest of the ride and I hope you enjoy this.💕


Melanie's POV💓

I hadn't seen them for days since that housewarming party at Jenna's. In fact the mere thought of her right now is giving me the chills and does chills are certainly not good.

I could still play the words over and over again in my head.

"Stay away from us. Else you will be sorry."

The words still sounded the same. With the same authority and threatening voice. I cringed and sighed again.

For the umpteenth time since this week, I have been sighing and cringing. I didn't feel good about telling AJ about it as I didn't know what relationship she has with Jenna and can't be the reason why a family has to be torn.

But I did tell Lala. And she simply frowned and threatened to beat the lady to an awful pulp! Well, that was helpful. It certainly didn't make me cringe the more and want to cry and regret why I told her.

Don't mind me. I'm being sarcastic again.

I said to myself, I will stay away and steer clear off her and her brothers. I said to myself, I will try to avoid her. I said to myself, she isn't even my type. But did I do it?
Just when AJ came back yesterday pleading with me to tutor her privately as I'm the only one she can go so close to for academic help. I simply and so blindly agreed like an idiot!

Now, I'm standing in a large mall, staring at a sanitary pad which I am so familiar with, and thinking of how stupid I was to accept that offer. And I'm not the kind to go back and break a precious heart by saying I can't tutor her again. Not after she was jumping and giving me generational blessings.

I shook my head and threw the sanitary pad into the cart and moved forward to the next aisle.

I stared again as my mind strayed to the list of things my aunt had sent me to buy.

Jenna wasn't like this. When i met her, she had been so sweet to me and we flowed like we had known for ages. She was the first person i seemed to flow so well with in just the first day.

But i didn't expect her to say those things to me..

Stay away from them? Why would i even be a threat to them in the first place?

I sighed and looked around when my eyes caught the tinted windows of the store. I blinked.

You're thinking about them so much, Melanie. A voice in my head told me. I shrugged and nodded.

But I looked outside the glass of the store again and he grinned at me. He saw me!

My eyes grew wide when he waved at me.

Okay, what was Kendrick doing here?
I thought and simply waved back. I went back to my list, but jumped out of my skin when I saw someone standing beside me.

I cursed when I saw whim it was.
"You scared me."
I said, holding a hand to my chest to calm my beating heart.

Jamal grinned. "Sorry. Hi."

"H-Hi. Uh...Hello."
I stuttered.

He laughed. "Sorry for the big fright. We came to see someone."

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now