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Melanie's POV

After lectures, Lala immediately swam into a conversation with AJ as if they were just meeting each other. How she had gotten the time to even meet her acquaintance, was beyond me.

Lectures was soon over and before we knew it didn't take us long to swim outside the lecture hall.

We made our way to the black Lamborghini in front of them and my jaw dropped open at the sight of it. Okay, how rich were these people? I had overheard AJ talking over the phone to someone to come pick her up at 4p.m.

"I will try and see what I can do about that."
AJ said to Lala who smiled. I didn't have time to listen to what they were talking about to butt into it so, I just kept silent and was checking out the guy from the corner of my eye while I stared ahead. I couldn't help it so, I turned my gaze and what do you know? The man was staring at me all along and our gaze just met and I felt heat rush down to my cheeks and I quickly looked away.

Damn, he's super hot!
My subconscious said at once. I had to agree. He is indeed super hot. And he was well built as well. For a split second, he took off his sunglasses and stared at her while Lala and AJ kept talking.
   A frown crept up his face and I got confused. What the hell was that anyway?

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow."
AJ's voice cut into my thoughts and I turn to her, smiling.

"Sure. See you tomorrow"
I said.

"I really hope we can be friends, Mel."
She said and I had to chuckle.

"Yeah. We'll see."

"We'll see."
AJ said as if it was supposed to be a challenge. She got into her brother's car and the guy gave me a last glance before zooming off. Lala nudged me, playfully and winked at me.
I was confused.


"You still have to ask? I saw the chemistry between you and that hottie. He's one of her brothers though."

"Okay. And there was no chemistry, Lala. We didn't even say a word to each other."

Lala puffed. "So? You've not heard of the word love at first sight?"
Lala said and I laughed.

"Not for me. I have to go home, lady. See you tomorrow."

I didn't wait for her contribution, I hung my bag carefully and left.

I know. Short right? Too short.😑
I'm sorry. I just had to cut it here and write more.
So, my lovelies. Who do you think that guy is?
Put in your comments and votes. God bless.

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