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Jenna's POV

"Answer me nao! Shebi they have sent you to come and destroy Heart abi? You have finally succeeded in destroying. . .!"

"Layette! Stop it!"
I hadn't expected Heart to stop her. I never expected him to stop her from telling me a piece of her mind. No one ever does that for me and it kind of became a habit to make the attacker feel like the one being attacked. Exactly what I was going to do to Lala right now until Heart stopped her.

She didn't seem less shocked that ye would try to defend me. She turned to him with wide eyes.

"Come with me, we'll talk outside."
Heart said.

She folded her arms. "Why not here? And why are you defending her? I told you what she's capable of. She's a manipulative and conniving witch!"

"Lala, come on. Let's go out and talk."

Lala turned to me with death stare. Like she would rather squash me than talk with Heart.

I held my head high and braced myself when she took few steps forward towards me.

"Whatever it is you're doing, it is not going to work, trust me."

I gave her my best and provocative smile with my arms folded. "You think? I spent the night here, didn't I?"

Heart said.

I ignored him and fixed my gaze on Lala.

"What do you gain from being so annoying and wicked? Aren't you tired of being lonely?"

"Who said I'm lonely? Honey, I don't need to get tired of anything. I am perfectly aware of how to get Heart to do my bidding and it is something you will never be able to learn in fifty years."

"That's why you will always be alone. Without a friend to talk to. No one wants you and you've never taught of that? It is because you don't know what friendship means. You don't deserve to be happy."

That struck a nerve and I stepped forward, almost touching faces with hers. "I don't need. . ."

"Okay, that's enough."
Heart said and pushed me aside, pulling Lala out of the bedroom with her eyes still on me until she couldn't see me any longer.

I turned around to hide the tears that rolled down my eyes.

This shouldn't be happening at all. I shouldn't be shedding tears so easily like a weakling. A weakling of ten years ago.

Words shouldn't make me cry. That's why I bottled up my feelings so hard.

I looked around my surrounding and noticed that this was still Heart's bedroom. I walked up to the drawers in search of anything I could easily lay hands on to leave this place.

But my eyes fell on the frame on the top drawer. His picture with an older version of himself and a very beautiful older woman with the sweetest smile I've ever seen.

I shit my eyes as the memories of my parents crept up my mind.

Family is important. Whoever they are to you and what ever they did to you, always know that they will always be there for you in your trying times and you should do the same. Because they are family, Jenna.
My mother's words came into my mind.

I scoffed at that. It was funny because the same family I tried so hard to defend were the same kind of people who betrayed me.

AnnieJane Jacob.

The name still brought the worst taste to my lips. And I still felt the need to tear her apart.

Talk to Melanie, Jenna.
Heart's words came into my head and I shunned it off, pushing back the drawers with a loud jam.


Lala's POV

"What the hell was that about?"
Heart said, dragging me to his study.

I snapped off my hands from his grip and turned to have a better look at him just to be sure that I knew this guy who would open his eyes and let that witch into his house.

"What was that about?! You're asking me?"
I snapped at him.

He was making no sense at all.

"How could you let that witch sleep in your house? Haven't you heard of Marine spirit? Jenna is the perfect example and I won't be surprised of she's their queen."

"Okay, stop. Stop it, Lala. Just stop it. I know everything you told me about her and yes I opened my eyes and let her sleep here. . ."

"Have you been sleeping with her?"
I cut him off, with my arms folded.

He blinked. "What? Okay, that's too far with you, Lala."

"What do you expect me to believe, Heart? You are defending her after what you know about her. You've seen what she did, Heart."

He sighed and stepped forward, placed his hands on either sides of my shoulders. "That's not it. I know what she did, Lala. But I don't judge people and you know it. You know me, Lala. Jenna is not what you think she is."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Yeah. She's not. She's and angel sent from Heaven to save all of us. Who is she deceiving? You?"

"Relax. I mean it. She just has a lot going on."

"We all have a lot going on and look, we are not searching for a blood to suck! Please, Heart tell that to a fool because this girl here ain't buying it."

He stepped backwards. "What are you talking about, Lala? I know what I'm doing. Jenna regrets what she did. And if you only had to talk to her, Lala I swear she's different from the kind of person you all think she is. You think she doesn't regret hurting Melanie? TJ? Everyone? She does but she won't admit it."

I shook my head. I wasn't ready to believe anything that lady would do to make anyone believe what she's not. I can't believe she would go as far as trying to act remorseful to get Heart to believe her.

"You won't believe me. I'm sorry, but I can't let her go like this. Just trust me."

"I trust you, Heart. But I don't trust her. She's a slut. Hurting people is her hobby. She's does it without breaking a sweat and she doesn't feel bad about it."

"Then trust me. If you can't trust her, just trust me."

I stared at him for a while and sighed, shaking my head. "I hope you know what you're doing. But me, I'm not going to let her buy me. And please, whenever she is around, I don't want to see her face. I will kill her."
With that I turned to leave but he led me back.

"Come on, Spaghetti. You can't leave here blowing up like this."

I smiled because whenever he called me spaghetti, he automatically bought me. "I know what you're doing."
I said.

He chuckled. "Then let me do it. Hmm? Trust me, okay."

I turned to look at him. "I trust you, Heart."

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