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Warning: Mature Scene. Read at your own risk🔞

Melanie's POV

I struggled with him. But he was stronger than me. As fast as I was to get to the door, ignoring my weakness and blurry vision but he had the supernatural power to catch up with me in just two strides. He threw me back in the bed. I screamed but the more i screamed, it seemed as though someone had a cloth tied to my throat. My voice barely came out. The room was dark and the only source of light was the dim light coming from the lamp at the side of the bed. Hot tears ran down my cheek and I sobbed bitterly. No one told me that this was part of the plan. No one said there were another rules to the game.
I tried to say.

But my attacker had other plans and was barely listening to me. He reeked of alcohol and his lips ran savagely along my breasts. I knew there was no way to run because I was no match for him.

Where was everyone? Where did Lala and Jenna go? Why am I in this room? How did I....

He tore my clothes into shreds and separated my thighs like he was trying to unlock a puzzle. I screamed in pain when his cock tore my tight virgin opening....

I sprang up in cold sweat and was panting hard. It was a nightmare. I had a nightmare. I had actually screamed out of my sleep. I fell back on the bed and stared at the ceiling. It has been more than I could think if. But the more I try to get help, the more it kept coming.

I stood up to the livingroom. It was already 5 o'clock in the morning. No need to go back to sleep since it would almost be time to wake TJ for school.

But Aunt Bertha was already up and taking a hot tea on the dinner table. She looked dressed up, it was obvious that she had decided to go to work early today. I let myself drop on one of the chairs and sigh as I pour myself a glass of water from the bottle I had taken from the fridge.

"Good morning, Aunt."
I said, and took a full gulp of water.

"You're early. Can't sleep?"

"No. Actually, I had another nightmare.".
I said and Bertha paused halfway to her mouth and looked at me. She put down the mug noiselessly and faced me.
" The same nightmare?"

I nodded. "The same but no improvement. I keep seeing the same thing."

"Don't you think you need to go back to see your psychologist?"

"No. I don't want to see her again. She keeps telling me to talk about it and I don't want to talk about it."
I said. Exactly. All I want to do is push this memory in a ditch where I will never think of it again. But it is better said than done.

* * *

"I think you're stressed out."
Lala said to her later that day at the cafeteria.

I looked up from my food. "For how long will I be stressed out?"

"Maybe you still think of what happened. And you don't want to move on from it."
Lala said and shrugged. That was far from it for me.

"First of all, I can't stand to remember what happened so its not that I'm thinking about it. And again, why won't I want to move on from that awful event? I'm the one who decided To go to school right?"
I defended. Wasn't she seeing that I was trying? Lala is the only one apart from my aunt who knows of what happened to me.

"That's not what I'm talking about, Mel. Deciding to go to school is entirely different. You have always wanted to go to school so that's a given. But what you haven't moved away from is men. You don't even want to have anything to do with guys."

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