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                             By Rhihana

Jenna's POV

I looked up at him like he had mask on, when I saw him put down the mug in front of me.

I rolled my eyes and looked away.
He pulled up a chair in front of me and sat, his finger laced together and resting on his knees, he watched me.
"You didn't expect me to get you another wine, did you? You just had a lot at the bar tonight."
He told me.

I glanced from him to the mug of coffee and back at him.
"I like cream in my coffee."

I told him. He nodded. "There's cream in it."

I slowly accepted it. I was getting ashamed of myself for being the one who has to be sat after trying to seduce him into having sex with me earlier. A seduction that clearly failed.

"Why didn't you go through with it? Did I repel you?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "You didn't. I almost stripped you naked and had my way with you, but when I agreed to bring you to my house, my intention was to have a talk with you. You didn't want to talk with me at the bar, I had to use the only means possible."

I scoffed. "Right. Way to make me feel like a slut."

"No, I don't mean it like that. I'm sorry if you got that impression just now. You don't repel me, Jenna. I don't think you repel anyone. But I wanted to talk to you."

I smirked at him, hoping to get it done this time. I snaked my hands up his upper thigh. "So, I'm attractive, then?"

He glanced down at the lead my hands were taking and looked up at me. His hands went right over mine and stopped me.

My smile vanished. I felt irritated all of a sudden. "Okay. What do you want, then? Just to talk? Show me a man who doesn't want sex and I'll tell how limp his dick is."
I snapped at him.

He stared at me and I daringly held his gaze. "You don't want sex? You want to talk? Well, what do I give you as a compensation, Mr. Heart?"

"Nothing. All I need as a compensation is your ears to what I have to tell you."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, put the mug down and looked away.

"Jenna, you are broken. I'm not a part of your group and I am glad that I'm not. Because it is a group of broken people who lost direction at a very young age of their lives. And I see how you all regret a lot of things."

I turned to him. He was right. There was truth in what he said.

"You can still make right the wrong you did, Jenna."

"It is not possible. It has already been damaged."


"Why do you even want to help me?! I didn't ask for your help, as far as I can remember. And as far as I know, you disgust me!"
I snapped at him.

He sighed and still stared at me.
Why isn't he getting upset at me?

"Talk to Melanie, Jenna."
He said.

I snapped my head at him. "I can't. She hates me. Can't you see that she hates me? Everything I have done to her was for her to hate me and everyone else in the group and I succeeded."

"Did you? Are you sure you did?"

"Yes, I did! I'm sure I did." I walked to the window. "I ran her son over with my car. I ran my cousin over with my car." I couldn't hold back the tears. "I can't be fixed, Heart. I have gone a long way hating her, it is done."

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