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Melanie's POV❤

The word rang repeatedly in my head and I swear I heard my heart string cut.

I shouldn't have asked him this. I should have known that he was very open-minded and would tell me whatever I asked him.

But I'm the one who asked. My fears were finally coming back. My heart was finally squeezing and shrinking and I was already feeling the pain.

"You have?"

"That was before we met, Mel. And it was just...Do I need to be telling you this? It is not important."
He said.

I nodded. "It was just what?"

He sighed. "What is all this about? You know, you can tell me whatever it is that's eating you up. Because I sure as hell know it's not that."

"It is."
I said immediately.

I nodded. "Okay. Well, it's not important. The most important thing is that I'm not with her anymore. Tammy meant nothing to me before and after we met. She's just a friend. Is that all you wanted to know?"

I nodded, not trusting my words. And I know he could sense that I was lying.

"What did Lucas tell you?"

"I thought you don't want to talk about him when we're together."

Derrick rolled his eyes. "Come on, Mel. Stop this. Tell me."

"Oh, nothing. Just a little something about him and...Tammy."

"That's all?"

"Is that all he should have told me or more?"
I asked.

Derrick sat back in his position and blew out a sigh. "You are a handful. Well, Lucas and I used to be friends. Great friends actually. Just like Jenna and AJ used to be tight..."

"Jenna and AJ used to be close?"
I cut him. That was actually very surprising and un-fucking-believable.

"Yes. Very tight friends. There's this guy who used to a friends of ours. His name was Sam. He died in a plane crash on his way back from a vacation."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

He chuckled. "It was along time ago, Mel. Years ago. Its okay."
Derrick was staring ahead but I could tell from his voice, that the death of Sam still hurt him.

I gave a rueful smile. Perhaps they were closer than the rest.

"Sam was a very lively person. He loved the fun and loathes the boredom. He was noisy and very active. With energy to party, have fun and flirt."
We both chuckled.

I was going to let him talk. Since he had opened up about Sam.

"Sam was more like the trouble inventor and the peacemaker all at the same time. I wonder how he was able to manage that. He was my best friend, Mel. Among everyone in that group, Sam was the closest to me apart from my brothers. Well, he was more like a brother to me. He used to date Jenna. Before he died. But AJ...had feelings for him. Well, he didn't really like Jenna the way she did because he was in for AJ.  And that was the beginning of their battle, I mean AJ and Jenna. AJ was with Lucas at that time but they were just together for the sex. She had her eyes for Sam. I wonder why the both of them didn't just get together and stop feeling bad because one was kissing another."

I was silent and listened to him talk. Derrick was staring ahead as he spoke.

"But one night Sam was caught in the middle of a fucking session with AJ. That's why they can't stand each other. AJ broke up with Lucas and not that it was a bad breakup. I guess they both knew that they couldn't be together for long. Jenna was hurt that she would fond her friend in he'd with her boyfriend. Then, they started killing each other."

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