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Melanie's POV

I stepped out of her bedroom and walked to the kitchen where the dinning table was and where my aunt sat, taking early morning tea. Bertha is a government worker who works in the Ministry of Education but she has a car which she uses to beat the traffic everyday.

But I was attending a tutorial centre at McCarthy, Obalande. Which means that I have to make it to school early and when I can't make it early I end up going late.
My aunt had suggested to an idea of me staying on the Island where I can be close to school but then I wanted to be close to my son so, I declined. It wasn't easy for me but it was my idea anyway. I'll only go back to stay at the hostel when it is time for exams.
Besides, Lala stays in the hostel so it was always easy that way.

"Good morning auntie."
I said and sat down.

Bertha smiled at me and sipped her tea.
"How was your night?"

I sighed. "Stressful. I was reading mostly."

You have to take it easy, Mellie."
Bertha said.

I nodded. "I know. But exams are fast approaching and I can't afford to fail."
I explained.

"You have been flying high since your first year. I don't think failure and Melanie can be found in the same vocabulary."
She said, smiling.

Right. I thought. I know I have the best and smartest brain. I always made straight A's in my studies. And I had gotten a scholarship as well to study in any institution. Unlike my friend, Lala who had gotten an admission with the help of her father's influence.

"I wish I make it, Auntie. I am really scared of failing now."

"You won't. Where is TJ?"
Bertha looked around.

I sighed and pushed myself up to his bedroom. I opened the door and there he is. Staring at his shirt like there is something there. I walk into the room and leaning my weight on one hip with my arms folded, I stared back at him.
"Are you just seeing that shirt for the first time?"
I asked.

"No. Something came to my mind."
He said and alarm bells ring in my head.

Okay, I love my son, but sometimes, the things that comes to his mind are completely shocking that you stop to ask his age all the time.
Most times, he had asked who his father was and one day, I got fed up, I just had to tell him the man is dead. At least that's how I always picture him.

"What is it?"
I ask with my fingers crossed.

"This shirt isn't the new one. Its not the new uniform you got me."

I looked from the shirt to him. "Obviously. So?"

"So, I can't find the new one. Do you know where it is?"
He asked, seriously.

My jaw dropped open. "TJ, no I don't. I washed it during the weekend, ironed it and put it in your closet. Now if it isn't there, then just where this one."
I said, frustrated.

"Why? It's Monday and on Mondays, we should look present able. You said that."
He pointed out. I groaned and walk to his closet, flinging the closet door open and rummaging through his clothes even though I had neatly folded them yesterday, I don't care now. I'll just refold them when I get back from school today.

"Wow. That was fast."
He said, when I thrust the shirt at him, frowning. He just grinned at me. He always does that whenever he knows he had just pissed me off and then winks.

I couldn't help not smiling. So I just chuckled, gave him a kiss on the cheek and watched him put on his shirt and we left the room together.

*                            *                      *

I threw myself on the seat and Lala looked at me with a watchful gaze. I knew I would miss the first class but I still didn't mind.

Laurette Adams was a beauty and an intelligent lady but she had a weakness. And that was keeping her legs closed to guys with a golden pocket. Even if Lala was rich, she still went after extra rich guys. I know I am never going down that road again.

"Wow. You look lovely. You look like hell."
Lala said to me and I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"Gee, thanks."
I murmured.

"You missed Mrs. Alamba's class. What happened?"

"Life of a single mum happened."
I said and pulled out my book for the next lecture. The lecturer was coming in soon and students were coming into the lecture hall either from the library or the canteen or just after hanging around.

"Awwn. What did my future husband do to you again?"
Lala said, laughing.

"Honestly, I love him but sometimes I can't help but think he probably wants to kill me."

Lala laughed. "I'm sure he loves you too."

Someone sat beside me and I turned to see the short smile the lady passed on to me. It was none other than school's Diva, Annie Jane Jacob. The lady was known to be the last child of five children and the only girl too. Rumor has it that she had alluring and eligible brothers. Her family are wealthy and she oozed perfection whenever she passes by. I was beginning  to wonder what she was doing here, beside me. People call her AJ and she was always seen hanging around with rich babes in school and mostly sat at the second row in the front while I sat at the third. And there was never a time when AJ spoke a word to me
People had always said she goes around with rich guys and mostly her brothers drive her to school. But as far as I'm concerned I have only seen one of her brothers and it was just his side view from a distance. The rest, I honestly don't know.

"Hi. Is this seat taken?"
She said to me and I looked down at the seat where by bag was and shook my head.

"No. It's just my bag."
I said and lifted my bag in my laps.

She smiled her thanks and sat.
"Oh, I'm Annie Jane."
She introduced.

I was fighting the urge to roll my eyes. Who didn't know AJ Jacob in school?
But I smiled. "I'm Melanie Okoye."

"I know. I've been seeing you but I never got the chance to talk to you."
AJ said.

Lala leaned forward and smiled at AJ. "Oh, you finally came. I thought you said you weren't feeling too well?"

"Yes. I'm okay now. Thank you."
AJ said and turned her attention to her bag looking for something.

I couldn't help but turn to Lala.
"You and Queen B? Since when?"
I whispered at her.

"Hmm. Dey there na. I heard that her brothers are loaded with cool cash and very handsome. Even all weather harlot, Ifeoma is dating one of them. I even heard that she is sleeping with all of them. Well, me I cannot come and dull myself. I have to catch big fish before I graduate."
Lala said.

I was going to contribute to that statement but the next lecturer walked into the class and I had to keep my thinking to myself. Even when the nice fragrance of AJ' s Victoria's Secret Perfume wafted through my nose.

I wanted to catch big fish too when I was sixteen but I caught a big catfish instead. And I'm not going down that road again.

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