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Melanie's POV❤

I was in Lala's room thinking about my romantic moments with Derrick.

Every time I think about it, all I get is goose bumps and a smile up my face.

And this time I was grinning like an idiot. The way he gets me so turned on anytime we're together makes me want to shout to the world that I'm in love with someone. Finally I'm getting there.

I have never felt attracted to the opposite sex since that night. And Derrick seemed to know the right thing to do just to make me fall hard for him.

Just to say that he knows my mumu buttons. All of them.

A was still grinning when I saw fingers snapping at my face.

I blinked and turned to Lala. I mentally face palmed myself at the fact that she had been talking to me about something and I simply zoned out to Lala land.

I giggled again at the thought. I'm in Lala's room and I zoned out to Lala land. How very cliché.

"Excuse me? What is wrong with you all of a sudden? You keep zoning out anytime I try to tell you something."
Lala said to me.

I sighed. "I'm really sorry, Lala. I just...What did you say again?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "What are you thinking about?"

I smiled again. "Who else, duh."

She laughed. "Oh, babe. You are so fucking whipped! "
She laughed again and I did.

"So, tell me. Have you both...done the excursion?"

I frowned in confusion. "What excursion?"

"Stop acting dumb. Has he visited the Queen in there?"
She asked, nodding towards my stomach and winking.

Realisation hit me and I burst into laughter.

"You crazy witch! Oh, my God. I can't believe you're talking about Sex that way." It really sounded very ridiculous to me that she referred to my vajayjay as The Queen.

"Yeah, well what else will it be?"
She said, laughing.

"Okay, nice try. But I'm not telling you that."

Lala groaned. "Not fair."
She muttered.

"You know what's intriguing?"
I said and that got her attention. Trust Lala to be eager for a news.
"The fact that I saw a picture of Derrick as a kid beside his mother and brothers and his mother had that smile. I know I've seen it somewhere on..."

Lala cut in.

I looked at her. She shrugged. "I saw the same picture in Kendrick's bedroom. A very light skinned lady with jet black curly long hair. With a left sided dimple."

"That doesn't mean it's TJ."
I snapped at her.

She sighed and shook her head. "Stop it, Melanie. I'm not trying to start a fight with you. I'm only saying..."

I raised my hand to her face.
"I don't want to hear of your detective instincts on my son."

"Are you kidding me? I was only thinking out loud. It is nothing that can't be discovered easily. TJ looks  like the Jacobs. You said it yourself that you were shocked the last time he went out with Mayor and someone called him TJ's dad. Someone who doesn't even know anything about your story or the Jacobs."

"I said enough!" I snapped. My head was spinning and that was the last thing I wanted to gear right now.

I tried to push away the fact that Lala was very observant and always right.

But a human bring can't always be right all the time. So I made that a double check that she's wrong.

She stared at me for a while. I couldn't stay any longer and she sensed it.

"Mellie. Wait...Mel.."
She said but I had already sprang up and left her room and the house.

I couldn't think about it yet I wanted to. My mind flew I'm different directions.

Maybe the fact that I can't think about it was that I still suspected Lucas and most importantly, I was head over heels in love with the eldest Jacob.

It can't be possible. I told myself.
I repeated it in my head, trying to convince myself as I made boarded a bus to Victoria Island. I needed to talk to AJ.

Lala has been acting out lately with this whole TJ's left sided dimple stuff and I can't deal with that right now.

Hopefully, there wasn't any traffic. Unlike Lagos. I boarded a taxi to the Jacobs Estate where Derrick lives.

It didn't take long for the securities to let me in because they all knew me as the master's girlfriend.

I walked up the stairs. Literally ran up the stairs to AJ's room. I knew Derrick wasn't home right now.

And as much as I missed him, I knew he's not even in the country right now.

I said as I made my way up to her wing.

She stayed at the east wing of the house while Derrick was at the west. I guess they made it that way so she won't encroach in his affairs.

I heard moans coming from her room and I face palmed myself. Why was I always coming at the wrong time. First Jenna, now this?

I opened the door and blanched.
The moans were louder and I almost fell back when I saw AJ leaning against the head board of her bed, with her knees apart and another person, another lady, lay on her back between AJ's legs.

AJ was moaning while the lady was eating her p***y. AJ was obviously fucking...

Oh My God.

She was fucking Tammy's face while Tammy had her own fingers between her own legs pressuring herself and licking AJ's p***y at the same time!

I couldn't hold back my scream. I screamed at the illustration of that picture reoccurring in my head as AJ moaned and moved her hips on Tammy's mouth.

They both stopped and jumped off the bed in shock, looking at me.

"I thought you said, you locked the fucking door!"
Tammy snapped at AJ.

AJ didn't seem to hear her as she stared in shock at me, trying to pick up anything in the floor to cover herself.

"Mel, wait."

But I was already on my way out. Running as fast as my legs could carry me.

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