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Healer's Touch
A Nigerian novel
Mireya Zachani

Kendra wanted to be free. She wanted to be whole again. But there was no one out there who could see beyond the prim and proper wealthy lady. No one.


By: Mireya Zachani

Copyright ©2019

All Rights Reserved

Meet Kendra Peterson, a life lover and only child of her parents. A romantic woman who loves to be loved. She dreams of having a romantic wedding and spending the rest of her life with her dream man. But her whole dreams shattered when she marries Connor Peterson. It turns out that everything she wished for was just a LIE.

Hey everyone. Thank you for your time. Time in reading my story. And if you have just bumped into this story😂😂(I don't even know if that's correct) then you must be wondering 'hey, what about another one?'
Well, good news. I have just completed the story above and you are gonna looove it!

And I know you've been thinking 'ugh! What a boring title.'
But don't worry, when you open the book, you'll understand what I mean by that title.😂

So, here's the thing. Why don't you go straight to my profile and get this little piece and if you're someone who has anger issues, this book is Just. For. You.😜

Now, here's a sneak peak of what you will find:

"She's the bride's best friend."
Someone said from behind.

Kendra didn't mind people talking about her behind. She was used to people calling her a proud snob who thinks no one can have what she has. But the truth is; She won't even wish her enemy what she has right now.

"She's so beautiful."
Another said. "But shouldn't she have taken the place of maid of honour?"

"Hmph! With her proud attitude, I think she would die if she even tried that. She's a big snob who hates to mingle with people."
The same bitch who had spoken first.

"She has no children and her husband treats her like the Queen of Nottingham."

True. Of course she had no children. Not that she didn't want to have any, but whatever she had done to get a weak womb was still beyond her. Her doctor had said that she would never be able to have kids. And when they had tried several times to no avail, she lost all hope.

"Is this seat taken?"
Someone said beside her. She mentally rolled her eyes. What is it with men and weddings?!

She looked around at first, hoping Connor was nowhere in sight. These are the simple moves she makes that gets people thinking she's rude. Anyone would think she had simply turned to look for who talked as if the guy wasn't obviously handsome enough.

She shook her head and sipped her wine.

The man took a sit beside her and she ignored him. But she was checking him out from the corner of her eyes. And he was beyond the word fine!

He was gorgeously dressed and obviously educated from the was he was dressed, busy with one of his two phones, then he looked up and smiled at her.

"Hi. I'm Alexander Macaulay. Or you can call me Alex. Whichever suits you best."
He said, smiling.

"I'm not in the mood." She fired at him, hoping that will make him run for cover.

Nope. He laughed instead. "You're funny."

"Not my intention."
She said. Why can't he noticed that she's not in the mood to talk?

"Um...are you a friend to the bride or the groom?"

"Are you the receptionist?"
She said to him. Was it too difficult to tell that she wasn't really in the mood for talk?

"No. I'm a friend to the groom. University buddies actually."

"Great. And I'm married."

He stared at her like he had just been slapped.


Oops! Sorry, that's as far as I can go. You can find out more about her in my profile.

Have a wonderful time and see you at HEALER'S TOUCH😉😉💕❤

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