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I know y'all only see Melanie's POV all the time. But never see Derrick's POV. Well, I'm trying something first. I had to stay on Melanie for reasons best known to me.
But with time you will see that of Derrick's.


Warning: Mature Scene. Read at your risk! 🔞

Melanie's POV

His lips moved over mine. Normally I would have pushed him away and slapped some gentleman instincts into him but I didn't.  I just couldn't. His touch was weakening me. His lips was so good over mine, as if we were meant to do this a long time ago.

I felt his hands cup the back of my head and he pulled my head forward for more access.

I still couldn't stop him. My hands betrayed me and wrapped around his head, my fingers went into his hair. Damn, his hair was so soft to touch.

The attributes of a half cast. I love how his hair curled around my fingers and how he groaned and pushed his tongue into mouth.

A moaned escaped my lips. I sounded like a wanton harlot. But I couldn't help it. I felt shivers run down my spine again .
This is heaven. This is how it feels to be kissed.

Derrick's hands went down and cupped my buttocks pulled me so close to his body, such that my chest crushed against his chest. Such that his cologne filled my nostrils. Such that I could feel the evidence of his arousal poking me.

And that was enough to make me wet. It was too much to make me weak in my legs and feel like crumbling to his feet.

But his strong arms held me steady, supporting me so I don't fall.

His tongue kept mating mine, swirling around mine and sucking. His kiss was possessive yet gentle. I don't even know what that means. Its just how confused I am right now.

Then he stopped. Much to my dismay. But he still placed butterfly kisses on my lips. He looked at me again as if searching my gaze.

"That was amazing. I have always wanted to do that from the first day I saw you."
He said.

I didn't even know how to react with that. To be glad or just wait till I'm alone to do the leg walk dance.

He chuckled. "Let's go back to the party, shall we?"
He said.

I nodded.

As we were about going in, he stopped.
"Do you regret kissing me?"
He asked, searching my gaze.

I just shook my head. What? Regret having that mind blowing kiss? For where na?

His hands cupped my cheek. "I love to hear your words, baby."

"No. I don't."

"I'm sorry if I was too fast or...It won't happen again, okay?" He looked so concerned like he had hurt me.

I shook my head.
"I'm not upset, Derrick. I just haven't been kissed like that before."

He looked taken aback. "That was your first kiss?"

"No. I mean...Let's go inside."
I was already blushing.

Well, if you wouldn't count the rough and sloppy kiss I had received from the idiotic specimen for a human from ten years ago, then yes, it is.

Derrick chuckled, clearly amused at my shame, he nodded.
"Yeah. Sure. Sorry for embarrassing you."

I shook my head, not trusting my voice.

Well, thank God he got the message that his kiss was my first. Figuratively.


I was on my way out of the bathroom when I bumped into Jenna again. I was thinking she had gone home since the party was already wrapping up.

But no. She smiled at me.

"I thought you already left."
I said.

"No. Still around. Why? Don't like my face anymore?"
She said, grinning.

I tried to leave but she blocked my path.

I looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"You don't want to leave us alone, do you?"

"What do you have against me being with them? You can hate for whatever reason you have but I'm not here for you. Derrick invited me and last I checked, this is his house, not yours."
I said, folding my arms.

Yep, I can talk too.

She looked amused instead of shocked. This lady strikes me as the one who loves trouble and clearly gets entertained when she finds one.

"I love your courage. So, I see you have built up a connection with Derrick. Be careful while playing with fire, dear. You might just get burned."

"I'm not even understanding you."
I said, shaking my head. "What do you have against me, Jenna."

"What I have against you is the trouble that is oozing from you anytime you walk in."

Is this lady mad or something?
"Trouble? Me? Sister, you must be smelling yourself, then. I'm not the one who is threatening me to leave now, am I?"

Jenna laughed. "I love your courage, girl. I always thought where TJ got it from. Yes, have you been able to sit with your son and the Jacob brothers? Try that and tell me what you noticed the next time we talk."

I had to frown at that one. "What is that supposed to mean?"

She grinned. This lady is a manipulative bitch.

"You don't know? Be very careful with them around your son. How old is he? Nine? Ten?"


"Very smart for a child his age. Too smart in fact. He might just end up becoming like the Jacobs."

It seemed to me like she was speaking in tongues. I shook my head and sighed.

Waste of time. She needs a psychiatrist.

"I'm sorry, but if you need someone to play your games, I am not the right person. I have to find AJ. The one who is my friend."

She laughed. "AJ is your friend? Of all the tags in the world, you had to give her that? You are very naïve, Melanie. Clearly, you don't even know your friends anymore. Word of advice: Stick to Lala. She's your friend."

A male voice said and I sighed in relief when we both turned to find Jamal standing there, giving her the death stare.
"Have you run out of toys? Go find someone else to trouble. Leave her alone."

Jenna smiled and winked at me. Then she walked passed Jamal, not before she had given him a pat on the shoulder.

"Derrick wants to give you a ride home."
Jamal said to me.

I nodded and matched paces with him.
"Is she okay?"
I asked.

"Who? Ivy? Oh, yeah."

"She's creepy."

"Yeah. She's trouble. Stay away from her."

"You don't need to tell me."
I muttered and rolled my eyes.

But truth be told. I don't know why, but I was finding it hard to forget what she said. Even when I didn't understand.

Please vote, comment and don't forget to check out my other story titled : HEALER'S TOUCH.
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