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Melanie's POV💕

Unknown: 😂 see, why I like you? You're funny.

Me: I am serious here. Who am I chatting with?

I had to ask because the stranger's dp only had a picture of a sexy looking lady I am sure I have never seen from Adam.

I was reading that night and doing some assignments when I decided that all work and no play makes Melanie a dull girl; I decided to go to my WhatsApp.
Then the message popped in.

Unknown: Okay, Sweet. Easy. Its just me.

I paused. Sweet? Only one person I know calls me that.


I sucked in my breath when a picture popped in and I opened it.

Of course. Lucas.

Me: How on earth did you get my number?

Unknown: 😉 wanna know? I'm awesome, right?

Me: 🙄

Unknown: What's up with you? How was your day at school?

Me: same old stuff. But boring.

Unknown: you should have told me. I could have done something about it. Like take you out on a romantic date.😉

Although a smile crept up my lips, I had to roll my eyes.

Unknown: Will you go with me?

Me: On a romantic date?

I thought about what he said just now. And to me it seemed like he was trying to test me. Honestly, I don't understand these people anymore.

But I know that I have decided to go out with Derrick this weekend. Speaking of which, he and I had been talking much and to my surprise, our conversation hadn't been anything close to boring. Derrick makes me laugh, he makes me blush and even when he doesn't intend to make me blush, I still blush.

Ugh! I hate melanin!

I was still thinking about Derrick and comparing him with Lucas. I still don't know anything about Lucas. I'm still confused about him. Just when people say he's the bad guy, when I talk to Lucas, it is different. He seems...honest.

Or was I over thinking it? Only one way to find out.

When the sound of my phone's message drew me out of my reverie, I blinked.

Unknown: Sweet? Still there? Don't tell me you dosed off?

Me: Dosed off?😑 I don't dose off that fast!

Unknown: Ah. There she is. So what sayeth thou milady?

I snorted. Lame.

Me: Eeesh. That doesn't suit you. You sound awful.

Unknown: Oh, but you haven't heard me say it yet. I have the accent, trust me. So, will you go out with me?

Me: Mmmm🤔

Unknown: 😧 anticipating here, Sweet. Don't keep me hanging. Please!

I laughed out loud and Aunt Bertha who was at the dinner table, reading looked up at me. My hand clamped over my mouth and i muttered a sorry.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now