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Melanie's POV❤

I ran out of the mansion hoping to be faster than my legs can carry. But unfortunately, my shaky legs were having the same shock in have right now.

I could hear AJ calling me to stop and I knew she was running after me with his shaky her voice was?

I was now out of the building and heading for the gate. Actually, I was racing towards the gate.

Many questions ran through my mind; Is AJ a bi now? Has she been having sex with Tammy and also dating Barry? Was that why he had cheated on her with Jenna? Does Derrick know that AJ is bisexual? Do these people play games with each other's feelings?
And so much more. Unanswered questions kept popping out of my head.

And the scariest of them all was that I didn't even know my friend as much as I thought I did.

The truth hit me and I realised that I didn't know them at all.

All these rich kids who had their lives ruled out for them in abroad.

I couldn't hear her voice anymore as I neared the gate. I didn't dare look back. I knew she was right there watching me leave.

And as soon as the securities saw me heading to the gate, the large gate opened automatically for me.

My mind was in a turmoil and I needed answers. Somehow, as much as I suspected Lucas, I still found myself going back to him. I find myself trusting him. I haven't spoken with him since that pool party and I hardly replied his texts either. The last time I snapped at him and he apologized for disturbing me and never texted me again.

Apart from the Jacobs, he's the one I find amazing to talk with. And his talks are always keeping me company.

Before I could change my mind, I was already at the door and the Butler opened for me.

He stared at me like an idiot. It was almost 8p.m and I needed to go home to my son but I also needed answers tonight.

He showed me up to Lucas's study after he had retuned to tell me that the Master will see me now.

Lucas was seated like a god behind his desk and he looked up as I stepped into the study.

He had a blank gaze and I couldn't fathom what he was thinking.

But he rose anyway. He looked weary and tired and my heart went out to him at once.

I said.

He gave a weak grin. "Hey. Have you been visiting the spa? You look like you're glowing."

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Nice try."
I said.

He stood there staring at me and I stared back. But the next thing I did was to hug him.

I wrapped my arms around him and tightened my grip. I could tell that he was shocked by my move and I was close to slapping myself for doing that. Honestly, I don't know why I did that, if you ask me.

I just thought that I missed him after all.

He raised his hands slowly and wrapped them around me too. A smile crept up my lips.

"I'm sorry for dissing you, Luc."
I said.

"Its nothing. Wanna talk about it?"
He asked me.

Great I forgot that he could read me even from a simple chat.
I stepped away from him and walked to one of the sofas.

"I'm really sorry for dissing you, Lucas."
I said as he moved to sit beside me.

He chuckled poured himself a glass of alcohol. He offered me another glass and I but my tongue.

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