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Melanie's POV

I heard him rapping to one of Reekado Banks' songs and he seemed to enjoyed it playing on his radio.

This is the first time I get to ride with one of AJ's brothers. The last time AJ had invited us so she could give us a ride, I had declined even after Lala jumped at the idea. She had no choice but to say no too.

I looked at him and smiled at the sight of him bouncing his head to  the song as he sang along. He had so much swag and any one would see that he is the most handsome of all the Jacob brothers. Although I heard that they had male cousins as well who were not in the country now.

He turned to her and smirked. "I'm sorry, do you want me to change the song?"
He asked and made to the reset button of the radio but I had to speak up.

"No, no. Don't worry. I like Reekado too."

"Oh. Really? So, how long have you known AJ?"
He asked.

I shrugged. How do I put it now?
"Erm...I have known her since our first year in school but we weren't really talking back then. We only just started talking few weeks ago."

He glanced at me and back to the road and nodded.

"Turn left."
I said and he did that.

"You know she really talks about you so much. At first I thought you were a guy. I wanted to meet him."
He said and smirked.

I had to smile at that one. "For the wrong reasons, I'm sure."

He laughed and nodded.

"So, why are you called Alpha? Is it a nickname?"
I asked. I had to ask because the way Odama guy had called him that same name, it was just so suspicious.

He grinned. "Yes. It is a nickname."

"What does it mean?"

He chuckled. Then laughed.

Okay. What is funny?

"Trust me. You don't want to know."

I was suddenly feeling like slapping myself for being so nosey.."I'm sorry. Didn't mean to be nosey."
I said, looking down at my nails.

He gave me another glance and shook his head.
There was a brief silence for a while. I was checking him out from the corner of my eyes.
This guy is just too hot!

"It is a group name."
He said and I blinked.

What's a group...Oh, right!
I nodded without a word, holding my tongue between my teeth.

His cellphone rang and he put the call on speaker, smiling.
"Hey beautiful."

My ears stood to hear the voice of the caller. But AJ' s voice swam in through the speaker. She sounded like an angry hawk!

"Where are you?! I can't find Melanie and her phone is switched off. Ken said you left with her."
AJ said. And with how she spoke, I was beginning to think who the older one is among them.

"Are you a mother hawk or something? That was fucking fast." He said and laughed.

"Are you with her?"

Derrick gave me a glance and smiled. "Yep. She's going home with me, Babe. Don't fret. I will make her feel good."

My jaw was literally open and I gave him a shocked look. Was this guy serious? Did he have to say that in front of me?
He smiled and winked at me.

"You're an animal, Derrick."
AJ said from the other line.
I rolled my eyes.
Same thing I thought.
"She's not like the others. Is she's there just be a gentleman for tonight and take her home."

Okay, I can't take this. "I'm right here, AJ."
I said, cutting Derrick off from any other nasty comments he was going to make.
"And I'm good. Don't worry, he is taking me home."
I said.

I heard AJ give a sigh of relief. "Thank God, Mel. I was damn worried. My brothers said you left with that Cannibal beside you." I heard Derrick laugh at that one.
  "Are you okay, love? You left early."

"Yes, I got tired. My phone is dead but as soon as I get home and charge, I'll call you."

"Okay, love. Derrick, you better not touch her..."

"Jesus, AJ! Seriously? I was trying to make a good impression earlier on and you just popped out of somewhere, calling me a Cannibal. The babe is fine as fuck but I can still be a gentleman."

My head snapped to him again.

"I love you sweetheart. Talk later."

"I'm serious, Derrick..."
AJ was beginning to say again but he hung up, laughing and shaking his head. He glanced at me.

"I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of the sibling argument. You good?"
He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, thanks for making me seem very invisible."
I said and he laughed.

"No, no. It wasn't like that. I wash just laying out my thoughts. I'm serious Babe. You are sexy as hell. And beautiful."

Am I supposed to scream or laugh or just say thank you?

"That the right turn after that."
I said pointing to a T-junction.
He nodded and turned right.

"That's it over there. The red building."
I said. He pulled in front of the white gate and stepped out. Before I could get the door open he had already done that. I looked at him and grinned.

I walked to the gate and he followed. "This is where you live?"
He asked.


"You come to school from here? Everyday?"

I nodded.

"Wow. Isn't it stressful for you. You could just take the hostel, right?"

"Yeah, but I don't want to be away from my son."

I saw the brief shock on his face.
"You're married?"

I chuckled. "No. I'm not."

"Great. So, I will see you around, huh?"

He said and I looked at him. "I wanted to ask. You have an accent. All five of you. Strange one that is not Nigerian."

He grinned. "I grew up in Canada."

Wow. Really?!

"I want you to go out with me, but I have to he sure that you're ready."

That gave me chills. I swallowed hard. "I...have to go inside."

He stepped back and I quickly turned to the gate.

He said and I turned. The way he called my name was different. It was sexy.
"We would get to meet often from now, I guess."
He said and I blinked. Before I could recover from his words, he was already driving away.

What did he mean by that?

Short right?
I know. But I will post more later. I have been busy today and I've been trying to post as well.
Please I need your comments and opinions on this story.
And your VOTES!
Thanks and I still love you!

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