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Melanie's POV💕

The sound of my phone ringing pierced through my eardrums and I am sure my heart strings were cutting already. I tried to raise my head to turn but I ended up changing my sleeping position.

The ringing stopped. Thank God. I can't get to where it is plugged right now.

The ringing started again and I groaned. Why didn't I just leave the phone as dead as it is? Why did I have to switch it on as soon as I plugged it?
This is why I can't deal with partied anymore. They make you tired and wishing you had just enjoyed the earlier part of sleep.

Sighing angrily and with heavy eyes I dragged my feet to where the phone was, dropped my spent body on the timed floor and swiped finger to the right.

"Mel! You finally picked up!"

Sleep vanished and for a split second I glance at the ID. Anger rushed through my veins at the thought that I actually picked up. If I had known it was Lala, I would have just slept on and ignored it, knowing fully well that picking up was a waste of time. When it is certain that she will come to my house today, anyway. Knowing Lala, she would want full details on how my night went and in return, pass her experience as well.

"Seriously, Lala. It's seven in the morning. Aren't you feeling sleepy?"
I said, hoping that my anger is evident enough.

"Don't tell me I woke you up."

"No. I'm talking in my sleep."
I said and rolled my eyes. "Of course, you woke me up. It is seven in the morning. Are you not feeling sleepy? Go back to sleep."

"Well, I am not. That's the least you can say to me for being worried sick about you through out."

Shit. I sighed. "I'm sorry. But seriously. A sister is trying to get some sleep here."
I stated.

"Yeah, whatever. How did it go last night?!"
She said amidst excitement. I blinked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't even start. AJ told me her brother had driven you home this morning. And not just anyone of them. The Alpha. Girl, I'm hyperventilating right now, I think I'm going to faint! So, Derrick gave you a ride, and then...Did you kiss him?"

I sat up immediately and stared into space. Is she serious?

"Ha! Layette Adams! Why didn't you just be a reporter? I keep telling you."

"Abegi. Give me a break. Just stop changing the topic and tell me everything. My ears are paining me and the only thing that can cure it is gist."

I laughed at that. And also at the look that will be on her face when I let the next shoe drop.
"Well, he didn't take me to his house, if that is what you're thinking."
I said and just like that, there was  silence from the other line.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now