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I wasn't in the mood to hand out with anyone actually. I feel like my pride has been tampered with.

Never in my life, have I ever thought I would be the one being dumped. I always love to be the one doing the dumping.

But after seeing Barry with Jenna, I couldn't stand it anymore. Of all the bitches in the world, it had to be that bitch.

I sat aside, ignoring the fact that I love to hang out with the guys and Tammy. But even at a beautiful bar like this, I needed my space. And the sight of them, just puts me off.

I feel like I'm paying for my mistakes. I really liked Barry. I did. Maybe is still like him because I'm still feeling hurt for what he did to me.

And the fact that he's still trying to make amends, wouldn't get to me. That's just how I am. Fearless.

I can relate with why Jenna had to do what she did. It all goes back to few years ago. And it all started with me.

I don't need any of them around me now. I need Melanie.
She's the only true friend I have right now. Lucas is a true friend but I can't face him now after what I did to him.

He's the only one who can speak the truth among all of us.
Him and Melanie.

Like I said, it all started with me.
But what I can't relate with, is why Barry had to fall for that slut.
Jenna has no friends. She loves trouble. She's crazy and  a complete backstabber.

I roll my eyes when Barry leaves the group and walks to my side.

"May I?"

"No. That seat is taken."
I shot back at him.

He stood there for a second and sighed. "By whom? I didn't see anyone there from where I've bee sitting."
He said and sat beside me.

I felt like emptying the content of my glass on his head and simply walking out on him.

"You know, it's not cool to sit all alone in a bar like this. People take advantage of lonely ladies."

I scoffed and shook my head. "Well, I'm sure you're big enough to know that I don't roll well with being at the same circle with my ex and his lover."

"She's not my..."

"Save it."
I cut in. "Save it for a fool."
I stood up to leave but he, held me back.

"If you would give me a second to explain..."

My laughter cut him off. "Explain what? I really don't want to hear how you were sticking it into her ass, Barry. You disgust me."
And I stood up to leave. He didn't stop me and I walked away.

What I didn't want was for him to see just how broken he made me feel. The image still stuck in my head and I didn't want to listen to him talking to me about what I clearly saw.

Like what they say; what goes around, comes around.

Melanie's POV💕

I was surprised to see AJ at the door when I almost thought that we were going to be robbed.

My aunt travelled to the east, thankfully. And as much as I tried to act like I was tough enough to stay alone, I wasn't.

I gave a sigh of relief when she smiled at me as soon as I opened the door.

I said.

She smiled. "Hey, sweetheart. May I?"
She said and I stepped aside for her.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now