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Melanie's POV

To say that I was horrified was an understatement. Listening to AJ describe her past was rather nauseating. And I was in it.

Jenna wasn't a bad person after all. She had wanted to make things right all along. And AJ was preventing her, knowing that this was her fault and things would get too messy of the truth is revealed.

And what about Derrick? He was just a victim. We all are victims of AJ's dirty game.

I looked at her. She had tears rolling down her cheeks. Are those even real tears? I don't know what to believe anymore. If all I get to think about her is something worst than what I imagine, then maybe she's not my friend after all.


I don't even know what she did to me yet.

"What was in the bottle?" I asked her.

She looked up at me. Tammy was obviously horrified at the story.

"Drugs. It was supposed to make the . . . whoever will take it, feel drowsy and weak while my brothers. . ."

"Oh, God" Tammy whispered. "AJ, it was you? All these years, while we all drowned ourselves in regret, and you felt less concerned, you were the cause of it?"
Tammy said.

"I never felt less concerned, Tammy! Do you think I wasn't feeling guilty at all?"

"I doubt that. Considering everything you've done, I doubt you felt a bit hurt."

AJ shook her head.

"You would do that to your fellow girl? You?" I said, feeling disgusted. A part of me wanted to stop this while story. But the other part -  the stubborn part -  wanted to keep listening.

"Mel, I'm sorry."

I shook my head. "Go on. What happened after that?"

Tammy scoffed. "What else? She was busy banging Sam or perhaps giving him a mind blowing blow job while Jenna played the puppet to her games."
Tammy said.

AJ sighed. "I. . . I don't know what happened next. But, when I came out of the bathroom, Jenna had already taken you to the car and we left the club."

I remember what happened next. . .


Melanie's POV

I was feeling the song. It was my birthday and somehow, my adrenaline was so high, I could hardly stop myself.

Tonight was going to be the best night of my life. I could feel it.
Maybe because it is my birthday and birthdays are very special to me. And my friend, Lala was making it memorable for me.

We heard of this newly opened club and decided to check it out. Well, it was supposed to be a reading night for us, but her parents were out of the city and we decided to have fun.

Lala knows how to make me feel good and this was one of them. The song was flowing through me and I'm the kind who loves to dance. I love to have fun and I just love my life.

My aunt was probably at home right now. I laughed at how I had made her believe that we had a test to take in two days and only Lala could help me with the subject. As if Lala would care about her grades. As if she had always cared about her grades.

I, on the other hand, have always made straight A's . Call me a genius, but I've never had a failure in my studies.

We have been crashing parties for months now and nobody knew about it. It was fun, though.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now