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Melanie's POV

Derrick had actually kept to his word and acted like a gentleman with our decision not to be together anymore.

I haven't been seeing much of his siblings except yesterday, when Jamal had stopped by to say hello to TJ.

Jenna had suddenly vanished off the face of the earth. Although, Lala said something about seeing her in Heart's apartment few days ago, but that was all I heard of her.

I want to talk to her. I want to have a lone time with her so we both can talk and iron things out. Derrick was so angry with her, he had planned to get her arrested for what she did to TJ, but I had kicked against it.

I needed to talk to her first. I want to know why she did it. And knowing whom Jenna is, she could simply try to act tough and throw insults at my face to get my dander up. Anger is her greatest weapon.

I thought about how my personal life had drastically changed without the Jacobs. I can't say it was all fun with them, but then it hadn't been boring with the whole drama.

Normal is boring.

But I like the peace and quiet though. For now. My life was suddenly falling back in place as it was before the day I took my bag off the seat for AJ to seat beside me in class.

I haven't been thinking much about AJ. Okay, maybe I have a little.

But most times, I try to keep her off my thoughts. She hadn't called me PR anything but once she had visited TJ to know how he's doing. And she did it while I wasn't there. She was obviously avoiding me, according to what Derrick wants.

And what I want too.

I lifted my gaze at something TJ asked the doctor who was getting him examined and smiled. Derrick was sitter beside me and all along I could still feel him.

I want to know what it feels like to be away from his family for a while. If I had my way, I'll be away as far as possible from all of them. But then, I can't separate father from son. It won't take Derrick anything to come visiting often so he can see his son, but then that would be risky. Risky for TJ, who would not get the opportunity of having both parents close to him. And risky for both Derrick and I.

I might end up thinking about him more than I bargained for.

"The stitches are neat. And you are doing a great job taking good care of it."
The doctor said.

Henry and I have been going on for a while now. He's a gentleman. Funny and knows how to make me smile.

Dating him hasn't been the roller coaster ride of drama and secrets, but it has been all about getting to know the kind and hardworking man he is and that hasn't been too bad at all.

We don't hang out much because of his job, but when we can, he makes it worth it.

"So, when do I get to play football with my friends?"
TJ asked the doctor.

As if he hadn't asked Derrick and I that same question and we both gave him a reply. Guess the kid thinks we don't know since we aren't doctors.

Henry glanced at me, Derrick and back to TJ.

"In a long time, my friend."
Henry said reassuringly, which got Derrick laughing, which was also a surprise to me.

Derrick didn't really like Henry much and I think I know why. But that shouldn't be his problem. Whom I date should be my own decision to make and he knows that already.

I smiled when he laughed. It has been a while since I heard that. Most times, when we meet, it is either when he brings TJ home from a fun day outside or when he visits to check on TJ and them leave immediately. Or whenever he calls to talk to TJ because he can't make it to the house.

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