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              Song for chapter:
            By: Backstreet Boys

One Month Later (After the Scandal)

Derrick's POV

"I didn't come here to put burden on all of you. I will never do that do my children. I came to make my last moments worth it. With everyone in this room. And because I want to be buried next to my husband's grave. Here in Nigeria. It doesn't matter where I'm from, besides I won't be needing nationality where I'm going. Do what you have to do to be happy and I don't mean seeking happiness the cruel way."

Those words of my mother kept coming back even while she was being laid to rest. As her wish, we had her buried in the cemetery where dad was buried.

I will always remember her for her kind words and kind heart. I'm not surprised she and Melanie got along and connected really fast.


I looked up from the descending casket - which had been designed in gold - to where Melanie stood beside Henry all in black, but I could see her teary eyes. Her trembling shoulders and how Henry tried to console her.

I only wished that I was there to console her. I sighed, remembering my mother's words again.

"Let fate take the lead."

I lowered my gaze. I'm sure she was aware that night would be the last night she would speak with us. It is amazing how one would be aware of the last time spent on earth.

Maya was a rare gem. No wonder my father loved her the way he did. Like they had invented love all on their own.

That night, she had called me back while every other person was too occupied with their new found reunion, dashing outside while making jokes.

"Don't forget what I told you, son. About letting fate take the lead. You might just be surprised what life has inshore for you both."
She said and smiled.

"I know. I haven't forgotten."

"Your love is very rare. With time you will understand what I mean. Now, help me get something from that drawer over there."
She pointed at the right side of the bed. I did. There was an old gold box in there.
I looked up at her and she smiled.

"Bring it here and open it."

I did. I remember this pendant. It was a family heirloom. Something my mother cherished and guarded with her life, if you would put it that way. Given to her by my father.

According to dad, that pendant could fit in any necklace, given to any woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. It seals the love you share with her.

At that time, he said this to me, I was beginning to think of what the locals would call juju. Or love medicine to trap a lady into being in love with you. And I told my father to give it to me. My mum laughed at that time and said I won't value it because I didn't know the story behind it.

"I guess, I already told you what this is. And the story behind it. Your great grandfather from your father's family, gave this to his wife. It was made specially for her. Their love was something very strong, Derrick. Something you share with Melanie. I don't know if she's the one for you, I'm not a seer. But I believe that you will give this to the right person."
She handed it to me.

"Okay, go ahead with the others. I have to sleep now."

I kissed her goodnight and left the room. At 2a.m, I couldn't sleep. I went downstairs to get a drink and found that AJ was there too.

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