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Tammy's POV

The club was  pouring with a lot of guests and the Party was killing. A lot of hot guys asking her out and i know I  don't need much effort to get laid tonight.

I can have any man I  want whenever I  want him and however way I  want it. That's just how beautiful I am. But i don't like my  life.

I don't like this life. To have to be hungry for sex all the time wasn't something i had signed up for while growing up. But how else will i control something that has been there since I  was fourteen years old?

And it was all because of him. Because of him, I  can't be without sex. Because of him, I  had been destroyed completely. Because of him, i became bisexual simply because I  couldn't have enough of both make and female.

I can spot a lot of lesbians looking at her right now. But I  simply just ignored them and focused on my drink.

I looked up and saw that Derrick wasn't even there with his brothers. The guy had turned into an eunuch when it came to the ladies, which wasn't his usual. All because of Melanie.

I want what Melanie has with Derrick. I want to feel in love again. I want to feel horny for one man. Not anything that walks around.

But it won't last. I know when it will all blow up and i knows what will happen when it does. Derrick will be brown. Melanie will he broken and so will their fairy tale love.

Just like mine was broken many years ago.

I sighed and gulped her whiskey when I  felt the presence of Lucas beside me. How could i forget the energy he carried around him anytime he moves.

I could never forget. Because he is the same person who made me this way.

"Stop drinking. You've had three glasses and it's not safe."
Lucas said.

I snickered and turned to him. "Why should you care, daddy?"

Lucas turned to me and stared.
"I know what alcohol does to you, Tammy."

"Yes, because the last time I got drunk you put me off my misery."
I said, sarcastically.

There was a burning silence between them. "When are you ever going to forgive me, Tammy? Can't you see, I'm trying to make amends?"

"Really?" I scoffed. "How? By stopping Melanie from being with Derrick?"

"He's not good for her..."

"You have no fucking idea what's good for her. And you have no fucking right to detect what's good and bad for her!"
I snapped at him.

The nerve he has to make it seem like he's the best.

"I know that."
He let a frustrated sigh and ran his hand through his hair. "Tammy, why can't you see that I'm trying. I'm really trying to make it up. Come on, B."
Lucas said to me.

The only thing that came to my mind whenever I look at him was what he had done to me.
I spotted AJ going into the bathroom and I needed to use the bathroom too.

I slid off the stool and faced him. "Don't try to patronize me, Lucas.  And stop trying to decide what's best for Mel. You are not different from the Jacobs."


"Freeze it."
I cut in. I saw the hurt in his eyes. But I decided to look away from his eyes.

He nodded and turned to his drink. I walked away, blinking back the tears threatening to roll down my cheeks.

He's a full time jerk. Forget him! I told myself.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now