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Jenna's POV

" I can't believe you would do this!"
I snapped at her. She sat still and relaxed in her seat like nothing stupidly extraordinary had just happened.
"How do you even look at yourself in the mirror sometimes?"

"I should be asking you." She said, looking up at me and crossing her leg over the other like a Queen. I felt like hitting the memory of that poise off her head.

We all watched her lift a slice of cake with her fork into her mouth effortlessly. Then, she looked up at me. "You're the one who hit her son with your car, Jenna. You're not better than me."

I scoffed, then chuckled, then laughed. "Oh, my God. No, sweetheart. I am. See, the reason is because you and I are different. The difference between you and I is; I'm the bitch and you are my teacher."

"You have no right to judge me." AJ snapped, looking around the table. Mayor cleared his throat and sat up. Jamal turned to the lady he brought with him, who had started shifting uncomfortably in her seat.
"All of you!"

"I think I should see to it that Felix has a good rest."
The unknown guest said to Jamal. He nodded.

"Sure. I'll see you off."

"No, it's okay. I can. . ."

"I insist."
He cut in. The lady hesitated, then nodded and picked up her sleeping son.

Lala turned to AJ. "Really? Why not?"

"You don't get to talk, Lala."

"Why not? The Royal Highness isn't done talking?"
Lala said.

"Whatever I did, I did it with good intentions. You all should at least ask me why I did what I did, before judging me."
AJ said.

That was it. That was enough to charge for her but strong hands held me back, wrapped around my waist and hurl me up and I felt myself going backwards while I tried to break free, my hands swinging for ways to jump at the bitch. "Fuck you!"
I snapped at AJ.

Before I could catch my breath, I was outside the beach house and gasping. I turned around to come eye to eye with Heart. His hands on both hips, staring at me.
"What the fuck is your problem?!"
I snapped at him. "You should have let me kill that bitch!"

"And that would resolve things?"
He asked. I stared at him with heated gaze for a second, turned around and matched towards the beach. I was boiling.


Derrick's POV

Mum sighed, rested her head in her palms and sang down in the sofa. "Why did you have to go that far?"
She asked, her head still bowed.

I knew this would break her. I didn't expect her to be this hurt when I told her everything.

She finally looked up at me. "And to think that you pulled her into this game. . .Again? For the love of God, Derrick. She has a boyfriend?"

"Mum, I just. . . It is my fault."

"Yeah, damn right, it is."
She said. "What were you thinking? You should have just come clean and tell me the truth, Derrick. I don't mind. People make assumptions but that doesn't mean they always have to be right. When I assumed that you both were still dating, it was the message I got from May's story."

"Mum, I didn't want to hurt you."

"I have never pressured you all to get married, have I?"

I sighed. "No."

"And I know that I keep making comments about having grandchildren, but that's all it is. I can never put pressure on any of you like that. And you don't always have to displease yourselves to please me."

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now