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Melanie's POV

By the time it was two days later, I was smiling like an idiot seeing that my son is awake. And although he's still in pain from the stitches, it's okay as long as he's alive and well.

Two days has been hell for me. I hardly had time for myself and the project had been suspended till I can get back to it which is a big I DON'T KNOW for me.

Derrick and his siblings and friends have been of great help. Although, they've been helpful that doesn't mean I'm considering giving them a chance. But for AJ and I?
I must say, she has warmed her way back into my heart again.

The door opened and I smiled when she stepped in, with a big smile on her face. She's very fond of TJ. Even before we had problems, she had been the closest amongst her siblings. That's if you won't be counting Derrick.

"Someone is smiling today."
She said to me.

I grinned and then laughed.
"Hey, AJ."

She gave me a warm hug and turned to TJ who was already asleep. "How is he?"

I shrugged. "Okay. He is already taking pap very well compared to yesterday. At least, that's a great improvement."

"Yeah, it is." She said, nodding. She looked up at me. "How are you? I know you haven't had a good rest since the surgery. Which is why I'm staying here today so you can have a good rest."

"I have rested, madam." I teased, rolling my eyes. "Aunt Bertha came here this morning and so I went home to freshen up. Besides, Derrick stays at night too."

"Yep, he does, but you don't go home when he comes. Speaking of him, he came with me. Actually, he wanted to find a better parking space."

I nodded. Not that I was going to ask her though. Okay, I was going to ask her. Derrick and I haven't talked about the little problem we are having and I'm guessing, its because of TJ.

"How is it going with the both of you?"
She suddenly asked.

I shrugged. "I don't want to talk about the both of us, AJ. It is not going to work, no matter what."

"So, there's no hope."
She asked.

I sighed. Is there hope? How do I pretend that he didn't rape me? How do I look him in the eyes and say I love him and not have flashbacks of what he did to me. Hope for both us, is actually a long way to go.

I shook my head. "Nah. I can't do it with him."

AJ seemed disappointed. "Mel, there's something you should know. I have to tell you about. . ."

The door opened and we both look up at Derrick who walked in. He walks up to ma and places a small kiss at the top of my head.

Wow. That's. . . Shut up, Melanie!

I shook my head as if to shake off the spell and smoke up at him. A stiff smile.

"How are you?"
He asked.

We've seen each other today. I wonder why he's asking how I am now?

Because he's being sweet!

Melanie Okoye! Shebi u don start?!

"I'm good."


Derrick's POV

Drinking seemed like the best option for me and so, I went to the club for a glass of drink. I told myself, it was just one glass.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now