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Melanie's POV

This club was booming with a lot of people. I shook my head at the long queue of people who were waiting to get in. As soon as we got there with AJ, she walked over to the security who nodded and smiled at her, stepping aside for her to get in and we followed. I had arrived at Lala's room that evening wearing a tight black gown which was way too decent. No time to shop for sexy clothes for ten years.
Maybe when I was sixteen, I would have done anything to wear a bra and panties to a club without shame. But lala looked at me with disapproval and browsed through her closet for another cloth. It was sexy as hell and I could see a lot of guy, giving me the look. I know I'm still very attractive even after ten years.

I wore a blue mini gown, so short it was above my knees. It had a slight opening at the sides, exposing my waist and my back and a black stiletto to match.

AJ smiled at us as she made her way to a man she saw talking to a shorty at the end of the over pouring room. We made our way in between bodies, rocking and dancing and making out.

The guy turned around when she tapped him and I immediately recognised him as the one who had always driven her to school. He looked at me and grinned. Lala didn't wait for an introduction, she moved forward and extended her hand, smiling at him.

"Hi. I'm Laurette Adams. Or Lala."
She said. I scoffed at that.

The guy took her hand to his lips and kissed it. I swear I saw her blush. He turned to me but AJ moved to my side.

"This is Melanie Okoye. She's the one I told you about."
AJ said and the guy looked at AJ with a startled eyes. Then he smiled at me.

"Melanie. That's a beautiful name."
He said. AJ slapped his arm.
"What? I was being honest."

"Stop scoring her, Kendrick. She didn't want to come here in the first place."
AJ said.

"Oh. My apologies, ma'am."
He said and laughed. AJ rolled her eyes.

She turned to us and smiled. "Come on, let's meet the others."
She said, pulling my arm as she went. Lala gave Kendrick another glance and he nodded at her, grinning.
What a flirt!

We went up to the VIP section and I had never been there before. Suddenly I was noticing the eyes following me. I turned around to find that Kendrick had followed us. AJ walked up to three guys sitting at a lounge with drinks everywhere. Girls giving them a lap dance and she whispered to the ear of one of them, he looked at the others and three pairs of eyes turned to I and Lala. This is suddenly making me uneasy.
I scoffed at that thought. I had been uneasy since I came here so its not a first.

The thought of having another traumatic event was putting me on edge. The guys left the ladies and walked up to us.
AJ immediately walked to stand beside me, introducing Lala who was grinning ear to ear.

"Guys, these are my friends."
She finalized. She turned to me, smiling.
"This is Kendrick, you already met him. He's the last of the quadruplets. This one here is Mayor. The second. This is Jamal, the third and very quiet and cute if you ask me."
Jamal grinned at his sister and extended his hand to me. I took it, and said hi.
"Well, this big and scary caveman here is Derrick. We call him Alpha. Reasons are very nasty if you ask me."
She said and smiled.
I looked at Derrick and he looked at my like he was not seeing my face but my soul. His gaze was piercing and so freaking strong. He smirked at me and I swear I was about to fall.
No wonder Lala and the rest were so crazy about this guys.

"Hello, Melanie."
He said. His voice....was out of this world. I nodded and took the hand he extended to me. But when I tried to look away, my eyes landed on Mayor. He grinned at me and stepped forward.

"I'm sorry for staring at you like that, but you're beautiful."
Mayor said. AJ glared at him.

"Stop making her uncomfortable."
She said. Mayor shrugged and stepped back.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Melanie."
Derrick said. My eyes went to him again and I soon realised that he was still holding my hand. I tugged at it but he didn't give it up. I tugged again and he let go with a small curve at he corner of his lips.
"We thought you were guys."
He said and turned his gaze to Lala who chuckled.

"Yeah, we wanted to kick some ass."
That came from Jamal who hadn't spoken ever since.
The others laughed and I was closed to asking if I missed a funny thing there.

"I hope you enjoy yourself here, ladies."
Mayor said and as orderly as they came, they turned and left.

AJ turned to me, and smiled. "That went well."
She said and took us to get a drink. The song changed to Fifth Harmony's Work from home. And before I could protest, Lala had jumped off the stool when she saw Kendrick coming down from the VIP section.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed.
Right. Talk about someone not leaving me behind again.
I thought. I looked at AJ but she had found a guy to tag with on her way to the dance floor. This used to be the kind of song that would have put my brains to shreds but I wasn't in right now. I only bobbed my head to the beat and swung my legs to the beat as I sipped from my drink. I had ordered something with lesser alcoholic content so I don't get too tipsy.

"Come on, girl. Let's dance."
Lala said as soon as she ran up to me. I looked and saw Kendrick looking towards us. I shook my head.

"No, you go ahead and have fun. I'm fine."
I said, smiling.

She looked at Kendrick and then me. She shook her head and leaned against the counter.
"I'm not leaving you like this. Let's talk."

I laughed. "Really, Lala. Go on ahead. You're keeping a guy hanging and it's rude."

"Oh, fuck the dude."
She said, using the f-word she hadn't used in a while. "I can't leave my friend. I promised."

"I serious. We can't come here and none of us will have fun. It's not happening. Go ahead before the song finishes."

Lala grinned, nodded and rushed to Kendrick. I laughed and shook my head. And just like that another song started. I sighed. Was this DJ trying to kill me?

I just bobbed my head again to the Zanku dance.

"You know you can't keep putting the body to waist."
A voice said behind me and I turned around. There was Jamal. He grinned at me.

I chuckled. "No, I'm just not in the mood to dance."

"Yet you keep moving it on the stool. Get down, B. Come on, let's dance."
He said and my eyes grew wide. I didn't even know this guy. His hands pulled me down and I shook my head. He laughed.
"It is just fun."
He said.

I tried to decline again but the beat was damn gooood !

"Don't tell me a beautiful girl like you can't dance?"

"I dance. A lot."
And that was the truth.

"So, what's the problem. You know the reason music was invented it so we can forget our worries."

I smiled. "I thought AJ said you're quiet."

He nodded. "And cute."

I laughed. "And finny too."

He grinned. "So?"

I rolled my eyes. "Fine."
I followed him to the dance floor and just as they say. I decided to dance my worries away.

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