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It's great to be back again with Melanie. I haven't been able to update because I was busy finding Kendra a husband in my other story titled HEALER'S TOUCH.
It's done now and completed. Thanks God😌.

Anyways, you can check it out in your free time.

Mature scene ahead. Read at your own risk🔞

Melanie's POV❤

I was marveling at how big the house is. Derrick had invited me there but I have been giving him flimsy excuses why I can't come and most times, using TJ as a bug excuse.

But today, AJ had urged me to come tutor her on a course she was so confused about. She almost failed the first quiz if it hadn't been for me, sitting beside her at that time and giving her answers.

Well, I had to agree because I sure as hell ain't going to be telling her answers during the exams else I'll get implicated.

The house was huge and belonged to Derrick. Completely beautiful and it made Lucas's house seem like a baby.

Okay, that was wrong to say but how else do I qualify this huge and magnificent work of art?

When AJ had decided to get us both refreshments, I had used that as a means to explore.

It was big enough to accommodate a crowd and I was beginning to wonder what Derrick would he doing alone in such big house when his brothers all live on their own. Even if AJ stays with him, still.

I sneaked into one of the rooms and my eyes lit up.

Double wow!

The room was painted in black, white and grey. More like a male colour. The colours looked dim.

I scoffed. Give me the chance, just once and I'll change all these boring colors. Who sleeps in a room filled with dark and dull colors, anyway?
I thought.

I walked to the picture frame on the dresser and saw a group picture of a happy family.

There was the smiling face of older Derrick beside a light skinned beautiful lady who also looked older.

I picked up the picture and took a closer look. The man had his arms around his wife from behind. The lady was beautiful alright. And her hair was curly and dark. Very dark.

Derrick's mum?

She had that smile that I know I've seen before. That beautiful smile that I could only see in a ten years old boy. And that left sided dimple that Derrick has was evident on her face.

The door slammed shut and I shook with fright, causing the picture frame to fall face flat.

Damn it!

I spun around to find Derrick, leaning against the wall, arms folded as he glanced at the picture which I hope wasn't broken by now.

I haven't seen him since I arrived here today. And AJ said he was around somewhere.

I cleared my throat. Wait. This is his room?!

"Um...Oh my God, I'm so sorry about this."
I bent immediately to pick it up. By the time I was up on my feet, his presence was so close to me, I could feel his heat.

I paused and refused to turn around. Instead I paid attention to the frame which was now broken.

"I'm sorry, Derrick. I...."

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