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                   Song for this chapter:
                       Fire Meet Gasoline
                                  By Sia

Jenna's POV

I rolled my eyes at how Lala ranted about how inappropriate it was for her to get into my car with Melanie.
For the love of God!

Its not like I wanted this anyway. I was actually on my way out when I decided to quickly check on my new blog before driving out. Then I saw her message.

"Help a friend?"
It said.

I simply scrolled it off my screen and went on with what I was doing. Why on earth does WhatsApp always have to tell when someone is online even when the person doesn't want to be seen online?

"Oh, come on. Don't act like you didn't see my message. I know you did."
Another popped in.

I groaned at the screen of my phone for no particular reason. And aggressively typed.

"✋Hiiii. Care to help out, please? We're stuck.😅"

"I really don't care if you're stuck in a worm hole. Get off my phone!"

"Please. Help a friend."

"You're not my friend."

"But you are my friend. Okay, I'll send you the address. Thank you, love you.😘😘"

I stared at my phone for what seemed to be a long time when the address popped up on my screen.

Wait. I didn't say I was going to help, did I? I literally had to go through all my conversations with her to be sure that I hadn't made a mistake.

I inhaled, then exhaled, went offline. I was suddenly uninterested with my blog so I threw the phone aside and started the car.

Half way to the club house, I was already reaching for my phone to check the address again. It is pouring heavily and they are stuck on the road?

How clueless can they get? Damn it!
Wait. . . They? Who are they?

I was making a U-turn, hoping she didn't take the little boy out in the rain. He could catch a cold for goodness sakes!

"I hate my life."
I muttered to myself when the sound of Lala slamming the door brought me back to the pouring rain and her nagging.

Melanie who was sitter beside me, turned to me. "Did you say something?"

I turned to her. "No. I'm trying hard to keep mouth shut. But your chiwawa here, might just make me lose my mind."
I said, turning to Lala who had her mouth hanging open.

"Did you just call me a Chiwawa? Who do you think you are talking to? I go bite your head, you dey crase!"

Really?! I turned to her and glanced from her to Melanie, then her. "Do you mind quitting your bouncy act? You're ruining the seat of my car. Unless you want to continue standing in the rain. This is my car and I can throw you out as I please. Who knows? Perhaps, when I'm on the highway, I could open the door."

Melanie gasped. "Jenna."

I glanced at her, then at the nagging Lala who seemed to have mellowed. I turned around and started the car.

The ride was quiet until I had dropped Lala off at the front of her parents' without a thank you from her. I didn't care anyway. Because, seconds later, Melanie turned to me with a smile.

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