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Melanie's POV

I kept moving to the beat of the song and it ran through my spine and I  couldn't control it. I felt him dancing behind me and thankfully enough, he wasn't gluing himself to my body like other guys were doing.

I never knew i could be this free, especially now. I danced with Jamal and i felt nothing. Maybe this was a stepping stone for me.

The song had changed and now it was Kiss Daniel's Madu playing by the DJ.

I couldn't control myself anymore and I had to just let it out.

Then I felt eyes on my body and it was definitely not Jamal's eyes on me. It was a stranger looking at my body. I turned to look at Jamal and he was grinning at me.
I felt sweaty all over and I was panting hard. I looked around for Lala and she was, as usual, nowhere to be found.

Great. Just great.

"Tired already?"
He whispered to me and I had to just smile. When was I ever tired of dancing. It was just one passion I had that I could never stop.

I said and nodded to confirm my thirst. He laughed and we walked over to the counter. The bartender looked at Jamal and I was quick to place my order.
"I will have Smirnoff please."
I said. Apparently, I had danced off the other alcohol from my system and now I needed something more than what I took earlier. Smirnoff was an amateur  drink but I knew better than to get myself so drunk tonight.

"Really? Are you scared of getting high?" Jamal said, grinning.

I laughed. Yeah, sort of. "Nope. Just being careful."

He nodded. I couldn't ignore the fact that someone was watching me. I just had to find myself looking behind me and around the large filled room.

Nothing. But then I still felt eyes on me. See, I knew when someone was watching me and my feelings never lie.

I looked around again and there I saw him.


Standing at the balcony, staring down at me.


I couldn't tear my gaze off him and he really wasn't ready to look away anytime soon.

Jamal followed my stare and looked at his brother.
"Hey, I'll be right back, okay?"
He said and before I could process what he said, he was already gone. But I'm sore he said he will be right back. I kept looking at Derrick. The guy had that creepy stare that could tear you apart. The kind that could make you sweat under an air conditioner.

God made you on his public holiday.

Derrick's POV

I couldn't tear my gaze away from her. I find myself thinking about how to meet her again and talk to her after that introduction earlier.

She's just too beautiful and fascinating to me. I have never seen any lady so beautiful and charming yet so fucking Innocent. Like she had a secret and at the same time, couldn't hurt a fly.

I had never been drawn to innocent looking girls before. I always loved my girls crazy and very experienced. And beautiful too. Just like Nikki, the girls sitting beside me now, telling only God knows what.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now