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Melanie's POV💕

My eyes were about bulging out of their sockets as I stepped out of the taxi we boarded that night.

And I didn't know my mouth was open in amazement until I looked down at TJ who's mouth was as open as mine, as he stared at this wonderful work of architecture the Jacobs live in.

TJ said.

"Double wow."
Lala said and scoffed. "This is magnifico!"
She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Don't salivate, Lala. It is just a house."

"Please. I am even drooling not only salivating."
Lala said and I laughed.

The mansion was booming with guests I have never met before when we got into the house. It is clear that the Jacobs are very popular and influential people in the society. Apart from owning companies, they had it all.

I saw AJ wave at me when we scanned the area. She was smiling with Barry and when she saw me, her eyes lit up. The lady is just too full of life.

She beckoned on us and I was about going to meet her when I felt hands snake around my waist. I turned to meet he smiling face of Mayor.

"You finally made it."
He said. I smiled.

When he turned to my son, his smile grew wider. TJ wasn't really hard to notice in the crowd. He is taller than his age of ten. Many people thinks he is twelve. I wonder where he got that height from because I am average and I don't want to wonder if his father is taller because I don't even know him.

"Hey there, big guy."
Mayor said.

TJ grinned. "Good evening sir."

Mayor laughed. "Sir kind of makes me look older, okay? Perhaps you can call me uncle Mayor. That would be lovely."

"Okay, Uncle Mayor. How have you been? Thank you again for that gift."
TJ said, boldly and his confidence clearly shocked Mayor as he looked at me with amused eyes and then turned back to my son.

"Yeah? How did you enjoy it?"

"It was good. I made so many drawings with it."

"Really? I'm glad. Well, I would love to see them next time you come around."

TJ turned to me and raised an eyebrow. A move I know he learnt from me. "See? I told you he will want to see them."
He said, with pride.

"Well, I didn't tell you not to bring them."
Okay that was a lie and my son, as open minded as he is, raised another eyebrow and I knew what was to come next..

"You said, I should not bring it."

Too late. He said it.

"Okay, okay. Sorry."
I said and turned to Mayor who was looking at the both of us with amusement.

He chuckled and shook his head, smiling. "Let's go upstairs. The others are there."

We matched paces with him and he turned to TJ. "Don't worry, big guy. You can bring them the next time you come around."

I couldn't help but admire how Mayor flowed with my son. And I love to see the pleasant expression on TJ's face as he talked with Mayor.

"I can come around? Really?"
TJ asked, excited.

Mayor laughed. "Yes, you can big guy. Well, this place isn't mine. It belongs to Derrick. You remember him, right?"

"Oh, yes. The one who kissed my mum."

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