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Mayor's POV

"What do I have today, Daniel?"
I said to my personal assistant. A twenty nine years old single father who had gotten the daddy role while he was in the university and unable to control his big master down there.

The guy was actually devoted to his job and very faithful. That's one of the things that compelled me to give him the job.

Maybe the fact that he had a daughter was his driving force to being trustworthy. Actually, I'm not the kind who would keep an unfaithful dog in my care like a fool.

I looked up at him while he typed away on his iPad, trying to get something with a serious frown on his face.

He glanced up at me, while I drummed impatiently on the glass desk of my office. He gave me a rueful smile when he looked up.
"I'm sorry sir. You have a meeting in an hour with Mr. Reese."

"When did he arrive again?"

"Yesterday, sir. From Spain."

"Ah, yes."
I said and sighed. The head of Spain branch was in Nigeria. My constant headache since yesterday had actually given me an amnesia. Probably an amnesia.

Daniel nodded. "And you have another interview with Corporate magazines at exactly 4p.m . . ."

"Cancel that." I cut in.

He looked up with raised eyebrows. "Sir?"

"Cancel it."
I repeated.

"B-But, sir. . .They have been. . .We have cancelled this two times already. And one of them actually called to he sure that you were still coming. . ."

I cut in and looked up at him, leaning back in my chair.

He blinked. "Sir?"

"I hate repeating myself and I already did that the second time, don't make me do it again."

"Yes sir. I'll just call them and make up something."

"I don't care what you do, just do it."

Daniel nodded. "And by 6p.m, you have. . ."

I sighed and looked up at him. He paused and stared at me, then let out a nervous smile. "I will just cancel everything."
He said and nodded.

"Call Andrew. Let him get my car."
I said and picked up my phones, ready to scram. I can't stay another minute here right now with this splitting headache. I have to get to the hospital before I faint.

The door burst open and in walked a darks shiny skinned lady who didn't look pleased as she stormed into the office. I paused and waited for her to walk up to me and state her reason for barging into my office, but she stood in front of Daniel instead as if ready to beat the hell out of him. After her was my secretary, Amanda who looked like a rain beaten puppy, only she wasn't drenched but visibly shaking and glancing at me.

I was going to deal with her later. I turned my attention to the lady whim most Nigerian would refer to as Choco Milato from her dark brown complexion to her slim waist to her curvy hips down to her straight legs.

I could tell she was very curvy, with how well, her knee length, peach coloured pencil skirt hugged her legs so well and how her white silk blouse gave her away. Her hair in long braids down to her curvy hip and her lashes, I was sure that was fixed. . . or not.

"How could you do this, Daniel?! I thought we already agreed on the fact that. . ."
She paused to look at me. Then eyes wide in shock and mouth wide open, she gasped and took a step back, looking from me to Daniel.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now