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Mayor's POV

I was going to see the doctor but first, I needed to see my favorite nephew who was still in the hospital.

I walked into the ward and there he was, with Derrick. Only that the little light skinned boy was busy with his attention on Derricks laptop, playing a game. It was possibly a game with how focused he was.

Derrick passed his greeting to me and I nodded in agreement. I have never thought in my entire life that my brother would be so dedicated to his son like this. When we found out that Melanie was alive and also AJ's classmate, I least expected him to take in the responsibility with so much love. He isn't the kind to adapt to commitment so easily.

Derrick hates commitment and he kept bragging about it for years until her met Melanie. But Melanie is sure giving a dose of his own medicine. Who said happiness was easy. That person needs to meet Melanie and Derrick. They are the most stubborn people I have ever met in my entire life.

"Hey, brah."
I said to him, patting his shoulder.

He glanced at me and went back to his phone.

"How's the big guy doing?"
I asked loud enough for TJ to hear it.

The little boy raised his hand and waved with his eyes still on the screen. "I'm right here, uncle. You can ask me."

"Oh, you can hear me?"

TJ raised his gaze and smiled at me. I grinned in return.

"Fancy seeing you here, May." Derrick said with his eyes on his phone.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop calling me May. You make me sound like a girl."

He looked up at me and smiled. "Really. But you like May kind of girls, don't you?"

"Wow. What kind of a dad are you? Talking shit in front of your son."

"What kind of an uncle are you? Saying shit in front of my son."
He fired back.

I chuckled and shook my head. "The hot one."
I muttered.

"No work today?"

"Not really." I said and sighed, rubbing my head with my palms. "I have this headache that has been there since last night. I think I'm coming down with something."

"Hmm. It better not be STD, mate."

"Fuck you."
I mouthed it to him when he looked up at me and gave him the middle finger.

He threw his head back and laughed.
"Come on, man. Why won't you come down with something, with how you've been. . ."

"You know what? That's enough. I won't let you spoil the sanctified mind of this little boy here."

TJ looked up, shook his head, rolled his eyes and went back to the game.

Derrick smirked. "Actually, I was going to say with how you've been working your ass out like a dog. Guess your conscience won't let your hear the right thing."
Derrick said and shrugged. I knew he was throwing this joke to get on my bad side and I ignored him.

"Don't you think this is unhealthy? What will Melanie say when she walks in and sees her son playing games? She will grill you alive, Alpha."
I told him, which was the truth. It appears that Melanie was the only one who could control Derrick.

Which was more than amusing.

Derrick just shook his head and went back to his phone.

"I need to get going though. The sooner I get to see the doctor, the sooner I can go home and rest my head before it falls off and the better for me."
I said and waked to the door.

GAMES BY DIM LIGHT || Mature ||Where stories live. Discover now