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Three weeks Later. ( Before the Scandal)

Jenna's POV

Mayor said while Jamal and Kendrick lay their mother in bed at Derrick's.

Maya smiled up at Mayor. "Oh. Come on, I'm not a piece of porcelain, May."

Mayor grunted and my guess is; He hates being called May. It is a girl's name, but according to Maya, the reason she calls him May was because he was the only one who looked like a girl when they were little. And she did want a girl with the quadruplets, but they all came out as boys. She even went as far as braiding his hair. But AJ came afterwards.

I still laugh at that memory till date. Danielle, his girlfriend snorted as she must have heard the story behind the name.

"Do you feel comfortable?"
Derrick asked.

"Yes, I feel okay."

"Okay, let's leave her to rest, then."
I said.

Everyone gave their nods and approving sound and were turning to leave when Maya spoke. "No. I want to talk with all of you."
She said.

"Mum, you need rest. There's still time."
Jamal said.

She smiled. "So, I've been told for years now. But I know better, son. Have a seat, all of you. Have a place to fix yourselves. It is going to be a long talk."
She said, with a weak smile.

I sat on the sofa beside Melanie while Tammy sat beside me. Everyone had a place to seat as the room was large and spacious enough to contain a whole army.

Maya looked around the room and gave a loud sigh like she was satisfied with what she was looking for.

"I wanted to talk with all of you. For a long time now, but I have to do it now. I don't want to fail. Many years back, I looked at all of you and made a prayer in my heart that someday, there will be a change. Lucas and Tammy, I am happy that all that hate was resolved. You are not my biological children, but I was close friends with your parents, may their souls rest in peace. And I'm happy that they are happy wherever they are now. Pleased with how far their children gone to succeed.

" Don't get me started on the engagement, because that was an amazing shock."
She said and everyone laughed along with her.
"We all live once in a lifetime, y'all. Make the most of it worth living. Forgive when you should. Live like it is the last time. Take your changes when they come and don't throw away an opportunity to be happy." She finalized that statement by staring at me. I looked away.

"The brave are not those who win. The brave are those who fail and still persist to keep moving.  They don't see the flaws, they see the price. You have to keep trying, till you get there.

" This is what I want from all of you. I didn't come here so I can make your lives miserable with my I'll health. I came because I wanted to spend time with all of you. I would send for all of you, but I want to have that fun in Africa. Nigeria. When I'm gone, don't sulk. I've lived my life, live yours."

She turned to Lucas and Tammy. "Don't put your wedding on hold on my account."

To Melanie, she smiled and said, "Never stop living for  yourself, Melanie."

"Jenna, I want you to be happy like you should be. Although, the bitchy part is a plus for you and I know how impossible it is for you to stop it. That's what makes you, who you are. But don't put a hold to your happiness."

"And my sons, my handsome Jacobs who have managed to break a thousand hearts than I can count." There was a loud chuckle in the room. "I'm not saying you should keep breaking them. Because I can see Jamal grinning over there." Another laughter.

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