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Melanie's POV💕

I felt like a twelve year old on her first date. I was with Derrick and this isn't the first time he has asked me to go on a date with him.

I finally accepted. I haven't spoken with Lucas in days. And he's not in the country at the moment.

I feel angry at him for not telling me that he was going on a trip. I mean, I though we were friends and friends tell each other everything, right?

Derrick was being cool. My guess? I think he's the coolest of them all.

The restaurant was a first class kind on the island. And because the island was surrounded by water, we had our dinner by the river.

It made me feel Luke Cinderella. Well, you can love Jim when he's not acting and talking like the Alpha he is.

I remembered the meaning of that name and I frowned. He was talking to the waiter and he turned to me after the waiter already left.

"What's wrong?"
He asked.

"Why would you feel so happy being called a Cannibal? Do you know what that means?"

"Man eating demon? Of course I do."
He said and smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes. "For the record, AJ already told me what your name means."

He stared at me, clearly amused. "And it's getting you upset?"

My hand snaked on his arm and he looked surprised at my boldness. Well, I don't even know where that was coming from but I've been doing that to him for days now.

He grinned. "Don't do that."


"I'm going to take you right here on this table."

I laughed. "You wouldn't do that."
Well, I knew he couldn't do that. But what he can clearly do, is kiss me in public. Once he tried to kiss me in our neighborhood the night he brought me  home and I pushed him off me, looking around. He grinned and gave me a light peck on the cheek.

He shrugged. "You're right. I can't. This is Nigeria."
He said it like its a bad thing.

"So, you do that a lot in Canada?"

"No. I don't take ladies in a public setting. I'm not a rapist."
He said and chuckled.

I smiled. "Yeah. You're not. You're different."

He looked up at me and took my hands in his. "I'm not..."
He stopped when the waiter arrived with our orders.

The smiling waitress beside her colleague, placed the meal in front of me and I stared at it. I have never seen this meal before and I waited till they left.

Derrick smiled up from his meal and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"That's a teriyaki salmon."
He said, nodding at my food.

Wait a minute. If I'm not mistaken, the price for this meal was on the menu and that costs #10,000!

I looked down at his food. I know  prawns diavolo when I see one.

"I've never tasted a teriyaki salmon before."

He grinned. "Thought as much. Try it. You're gonna love it."
He grinned.

I shrugged. "Didn't know you liked prawns."

"I guess I mentioned that the last time I was listing my fave seafoods."

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