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Melanie's POV

As soon as I heard the click of the door, I held my head high, waiting for the butler. But I was caught off guard. It wasn't the butler after all, but her.

And she saw my face before I even got the courage to say something. She literally opened the door, rolled her eyes and attempted to close it.

I said immediately, hoping she doesn't slam it on my face. She waited and leaned her weight on one hip, looking at my with raised eyebrows.

"What do you want, Melanie? Don't you get tired of invading my space?"
Jenna said.

"Nope. Because that's what friends do. I brought pizza."
I raised the pizza pack to her with my best smile.
"Peace offering. And this is for you too."
I held out the flowers to her.

She stared at it like she didn't know what it was.

"Uh. . . It's a . . ."

"I've seen a flower before."
She cut in.

"Yes, you have. I meant to say, it is my way of saying sorry?"

She looked up at me. "One year with the Jacobs and no one told you that I hate flowers?"
She said.

I was actually stunned. Who in this time and world, hates flowers? "You're sure?"

"Get out, Melanie. I don't need you."
She turned to leave while shutting the door, but I stopped her.

"Wait. I need you, Jenna."

She sighed and left the door open, walking into her house and I followed. I looked around the large house, remembering the last time I was here. The day she threatened to make me sorry if I don't leave them all alone.

I glanced at the flower in my hand and the box of pizza. "So, should I throw the flower away?"

"You don't get it, do you?!"
She snapped at me and turned to face me. I was startled as I didn't expect that tone of response from her.

I figured that she was upset this morning. I just didn't know why.
"Get what?"

"How pathetic you are! How pitiful you make every one see you as! Don't you ever feel ashamed of yourself?! You always want to be clinging to people even when they don't want you around! The world would be a more peaceful and drama free place for you, if you learn to depend on yourself. You think that if you have to cling to people, like a bed bug all the time, then they will protect you? Or worse, you think you won't be lonely after all. Melanie, I want to be alone, but no. You won't listen, because you are obviously clueless!"
She snapped.

I opened my mouth to say something after it seemed like the house was a grave yard. And where is everybody anyways?

I cleared my throat and lowered y gaze to the pizza box and flowers on it. "Um. . . I'm sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable."
I said. I was lost of words. No. Not that. I wasn't lost for words, I just didn't know how to put my words.

"Get out."
She hissed.

"Jenna, I don't like the peace and quiet."
I started. She looked stunned. I shrugged. "Maybe I did ten years ago, when I didn't know what I wanted. I still don't. And I can be indecisive sometimes. But, I love the drama, Jenna. And you're right, I'm a big bother too. I'm sorry for bothering you, Jenna. I just thought I would bring you a peace offering, since Jamal said you love pizza. A peace offering for all I said to you last night.

" You are right in a way, Jenna. I just didn't want to hear it. You know that friends fight, right? And this happened to be our fight. . .no, second fight. I don't hate you, Jenna. Perhaps, I came at a very wrong time."
I said and turned to leave. Remembered the pizza in my hands and placed it on the nearby stool close to the large piano.

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