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I rolled my eyes at what was happening in front of me right now. How in the  world, had I allowed Barry follow me in here?

He had refused to go and all he wants is just to talk. I looked up at him. I won't deny the fact that ever since our breakup, I have missed him.

He's the first after Sam, who had really made me feel good, body and soul. But forgetting what he did to me is easier said than done.

Whenever I look at him, all I think of is how I had caught him in bed with Jenna. My mortal enemy! And to think that they have been on for weeks since she came back to Nigeria to haunt me.

What did I do? All I did was...Okay, I slept with Sam. But he wanted it as much as I did. And he liked. . .No, scratch that. He loved me. We were in love with each other and she just couldn't accept that.

But I'm the bitch who never forgives.  And Jenna is the bitch who doesn't forgive too, so its a win-win.

"I have to go to bed, Barry. What do you want?"
I asked him.

He sighed. "AJ, you have to listen to me. Why is it too hard for you to forgive me?"

"Why is it too hard? Okay, let's see. I caught my boyfriend in bed, banging my mortal enemy and enjoying himself and all you can ask me is why it is too hard for me to forgive you? Try again, Barry."
I exploded. Actually, I was so close to throwing something on him already.

Barry stepped forward and took my hands in his. I couldn't tear them away. No matter how I tried to.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I really am. I want to make it up to you. Just tell me anything and I'll do it."

I looked at him. "Anything?"

He nodded. "Anything. Just name it."

"Okay. So, do me a favour and get the fuck off my face and out my life. Good night, Barry."
I went straight to the bathroom, leaving him standing there.


Lala's POV

"It didn't take you long to have me replaced now, did it?"
I heard the familiar voice which only reminded me of how unfortunate I have been in love.

I was just heading out from the class, with an annoying headache and the sun wasn't playing tricks on me. It meant business and was pouring down my newly made weaves which had been too tight up until now.

I stopped on my tracks and turned around to face him. I knew I would come across him on way or another. I just didn't hope for it to be now or anytime in the near future.

After that horrible revelation at Derricks two weeks ago, I haven't seen much of them except AJ. And seeing Ken right now was a bit too much for her. But maybe it was the fact that she had been in denial, or that she hadn't seen him in a while now, but he was actually very handsome today, in his white shirt which clung to his body and a fitting jeans on a white converse.

I was checking him out and he knew that. I simply cleared my throat and looked away, ignoring his arrogant chuckle and trying to remind myself that Heart was just few steps away, waiting for me.

"Well, it didn't take you long to replace me either, Kendrick."

He chuckled. "So we are back to being formal again, are we?"
He said and folded his arms, leaning against his car.

I sighed. "I don't have time for this. Someone's waiting for me."

I made to leave but only few strides and I'm reminded of how long his legs are to get to me in no time. His hand curled around my elbow, pulling me to face him. I tried to get my balance and he's fast enough to wrap his arm around my waist to steady me.

I looked around for onlookers. Good thing we are in between cars right now. I pushed away from him as soon as the contact starts getting too intimate for me.

Honestly, I need to stay as far away from this dude as I can. This is the reason I have been in denial.

"What do you want, Kendrick?"


"Isn't that your name?"
I shot back.

His gaze shifted from my face, to my entire body. Then back to my face. "We need to talk."

I scoffed. "Good way to start, Boss. Do I look like you PA?"

"Stop it. I want us to talk."

"You don't just do things you want because you want it. I don't have time to talk to you..."

"Can you at least act civil here? For once?"

"For once? Have I ever been childish to you before. I'm busy. What is there to talk about. I have every reason to stay away from you after what you and your brothers did to Melanie. You have some nerve coming here and demanding to talk with me after what you did! Do you even know what an apology is?"

He was obviously shocked. "Lala, I..."
He trailed off.

"You what? Cat got your tongue."

"It was a mistake. I have to explain that to you."

"There's no time for that. You don't even need to bother, Kendrick. You broke up with me, remember? There's no need for that at all."

"Jesus, Lala why do you..."
He was cut off by the sight of AJ approaching. He stepped forward and looked at me.
"I made a mistake and I want to make amends."
He whispered. I watched as his hand touched my chin, tilting my face upwards and placed a light kiss on my lips.

I was stunned. I was shocked and I couldn't say a word. I stood there and watched him get into his car.
AJ walked up to me like she didn't know what just happened.
"See you tomorrow?"
She asked, smiling.

I nodded, trying to compose myself.

"Help me find out what's up with Mel, okay?"
AJ said to me.

I nodded. Again.

While I was trying to look away from her, my eyes landed on Kendricks face. He gave me a feeble smile and zoomed off.

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