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Mayor's POV

I was just stepping out of the ward where TJ stayed and heading home. Although, I had intended to stay tonight so Melanie can go home and rest. She looked so tired and pale from all the stress of taking care of TJ and her exams which she  was already done with. But she refused.

I wonder if she would have agreed if I hadn't told her earlier why I was still at the hospital till this hour. Melanie has always been the compassionate kind. Even with everything going on since she found out the truth, she still felt a lot more concerned about my heart and practically shoved me through the door to go home and have a rest and take my drugs.

I knew something was off with her tonight. Although she hadn't been the brightest kind since her problems with Derrick. Her problems with all of us actually, but tonight, it was different and she refused to say what the matter was. I wasn't going to push it though.

I made my way thought the waiting hall, passing several doors and wards until my step slowed and a smile crept up my lips at the sight of Miss. Unknown, walking down the hall with a female doctor as well.

As I walked up to her, she was saying something to the other doctor, when she stopped and the doctor went on her merry way while Miss. Unknown stopped in front of me.

"You are still here?"
She asked.

I shrugged. "Yeah, my nephew was admitted. He will he discharged tomorrow though."

"Ah, I see." She said and nodded. "Okay." She jammed her hands into the pockets of her white coat.

"You know, now it isn't a trick. Unless you are the one playing the tricks here by stalking me."
I told her, smirking.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head, then laughed. "Mr. Mayor, you are so. . ."

"Mayor." I cut in.

". . .full of yourself."
She completed, ignoring what I said.

I laughed though. "Am I? Maybe I'm very confident in what I want."

"What is that?"
She asked, folding her arms.

"To get to know you. Maybe over dinner or lunch, whichever is best for you. I can't keep bumping into you three times in a row and won't get to know you better."

She smiled and lowered her gaze, still smiling.

That made me smile as well. Because I knew the wheels were going to work up there in head.

She looked up. "Your over confidence is scary, trust me."

"You are only saying that because you don't know me. I get cold feet sometimes."

"I will love to see those times."

"Aha. That leads to us getting to know each other, you see?"
I told her, smiling.

She laughed and shook her head, looking at me. "Guy, you can charm person oo." She said. "Okay. Dinner, it is then."
She said.

I was close to jumping up in the air and giving the wind a high five, but I know how to guard myself. "Cool. So, Miss. . ."

"Mrs actually. Mrs. Danielle."


"You're married?"
I had to ask, to be clear that I wasn't just hearing things. Maybe my malaria was getting to my ability to put two words together and comprehend them.

She smiled and nodded. "Newly married."


I won't say I wasn't shocked. I stared at her, wondering how possible it is that she could be married.

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