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Sorry, I've been so freaking busy lately, so little time to update.
So, how have y'all been😁?
Great, I hope.

Melanie's POV❤

I was sitting alone in the library. I really wanted to be alone today, so I didn't tell Lala where I would be going. I'm pretty sure, she's looking for me right now.

Okay, I won't say that my little talk with my son during the weekend hasn't been bothering me, because I would be a liar of o did. Even though I had taken him to Dominion Pizza where we had a lot of fun, those words of his kept eating  me up. And I might not know the feeling of not being able to know whom your father is, but TJ is still too young to go through an confusion about his paternity right now.

I feel for the little boy and I can't bring myself to tell him that he was a product of rape. He doesn't even know what the word is. I'm thinking he doesn't know what the word I'd because that boy already knows a lot of words too much for his age.

But still, its not right. And the need to know everything about this whole secret is eating me up. Or, maybe I don't want to know. Maybe its the fear that perhaps Derrick could have something to do with my past. A lot of what ifs are going on in my head and I bury my face in my palms without knowing that someone had already sat beside me.

I look up to find AJ, looking at me with a sorry gaze. I sighed. I hadn't talked to her since that day and she was sure to keep her distance today in class. I didn't even tell Lala what happened when she tried to enquire the reason for AJ's distance.

"Hi. I'm assuming you don't want to talk to me?"
She said.

I glanced at her. "How did you know I would be here?"

She shrugged. "I didn't. Just found you sitting here when I came in and I've been battling it inside me to come and talk to you."

I said nothing.

"You seemed very preoccupied. What's up?"

I scoffed. "Are we going to pretend that didn't happen?"
I asked. She was beginning to act like nothing had actually happened. I know I might be sounding like a jealous lesbian, but I'm not. I'm just freaking disgusted! She never seemed like someone who could be a bi.

She sighed. "I know what you're thinking, Mel. But don't judge me like that. I never used to be a bi."

I looked at her like she was crazy. She sighed again.

"Can we...go somewhere else? This place is too public."
She said, looking around like a fugitive.

I nodded and stood up with my books. She followed.

She led me to her car and I didn't know she had come to school on her own today. I got in and gave her a questioning look.

"Yeah, well I wanted to drive myself to school today. Although Jamal won't have it. I insisted. Because I was hoping that I'll talk to you today so I needed time."
She said.

There was a lot of silence in the car. She stared ahead and it seemed like we were both staring at the students passing by in twos and threes.

"I never used to be a bi, Mel."
She cut the silence. "Neither did Tammy. I guess the saying that bad company corrupts good manners is applicable here." She said and scoffed.

"But in our case, it wasn't really bad company. She...She had an issue with Lucas and she know, sleeping with anyone. Sometimes when we're together she would touch herself to get pleasure and I would watch because I know what she's going through and I understood. And because I'm a girl and I can't get affected. Well, not like that. But then she started using sex toys and it still wasn't helping. One day, she...We decided to play a game and when I lose she would touch me and...It was crazy and stupid but then I was too aroused to stop. Then that's how we went from mere friends to friends with benefits. Although there wasn't anything attached to it. We together and had sex and I liked it. I just ended up liking it as much as she did and it went on and on for years."

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