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Melanie's POV

I could tell that AJ was as uncomfortable with this whole idea as Tammy was. It's about time, I thought to myself.

AJ had always acted strange. Like something was amiss with her. Since the moment she broke up with Barry, which hadn't patched up since then, she had been acting like there was something she wasn't telling someone.

I glanced behind me and watched Jenna walk back to her car, get in and lean her head against the headrest of her car seat, closing her eyes.
I guess I really hit a nerve there.

What exactly is going on with all of them? She, in particular. She's broken somehow and maybe there's no way to fix her. It must have something to do with AJ. Perhaps they had a dark secret. A history no one is talking about.

It could have been more than just sharing the same boyfriend.

I looked back at AJ. "Do you want to talk or do I have to go to her for help?"
I asked AJ, with my arms folded as I leaned my weight on one hip.

She looked up at me and sighed. "Mel, don't listen to what she said. . ."

"Just tell her, AJ." Tammy cut in.

Wow. Great.

AJ loomed at Tammy like she had gone mad. Tammy shrugged. "Tell her the truth. Whatever it is, you just have to tell her."

That explains that even Tammy doesn't know what Jenna knows.

"Let's go somewhere else, Mel. This place is too. . . Open."
She said.

Fair enough. I shrugged in agreement. I will get to the bottom of this, no matter what.


It wasn't just anywhere else. It had to be here. I looked at the busy park with memories of how Derrick brought me here few months ago and how I had seduced him into having sex with me in his car.

The memory will always be there, no matter what. I sighed, brushed the thought off my mind and turned to AJ who had her gaze lowered to her polished nails.

"Mel, whatever I tell you right now, I just hope you won't judge me. Or maybe you will but try to forgive me, please."

I said nothing. No need to make a promise that I probably won't keep.

"I have done things, Mel. Terrible things. And I never used to regret any of them until I made the worst mistake of my life. I'm still trying to get past that, but I guess there are some mistakes that can't be forgotten. They will always be there to remind you of being an ass."

She looked up at me maybe to confirm that I was listening. Of course I was. I mean, hey. This has to do with me, right?

She glanced at Tammy who was at the back seat, listening.

"One of these mistakes was you."
She said.

"Oh, shit."
Tammy whispered.

I looked from AJ to Tammy,confused.
"Me? How?"

"I've known you, Mel. Even before we. . . met in school."

I rolled my eyes. Seriously? "Yeah. When Derrick raped me perhaps."

AJ shook her head. "No. Before that. That night. . .



AJ stepped into the club dancing and giving the moves from the door to the song playing.

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