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                   Song for the chapter:
                                 By Miia


I need another drink. I thought as I raised a finger towards the bar tender for another round of alcohol. Okay, how had my life gone from extremely happy to extremely miserable in a month?

I could still see the face of Melanie when I told her how I had planned her rape. I could still see the face of Derrick when he told me to stay away from Melanie. I could see the face of Jenna when she caught I and Sam in bed having sex and how unremorseful I was to her.

"Get over yourself! He didn't love you. If he did, he wouldn't cheat on you with me."
I snapped at her that night just to cover up for what I did. It wasn't the best options but at that time, there was no other way to make her feel bad and myself, better.

"You were having sex with him and all you can say is that? Are you even my friend?"

"Of course I am! That's why I did this to show you how much I want you to be strong, Jenna. You are too fucking naïve and too plain, how else did you think any man would want someone like you?! You have to learn to know the fact that everyone out there will always be in your life for one thing: To use you for their pleasure. Isn't that what Sam did to me?!"


She scratched her fingers on my face and the fact that she trims her nails perfectly at our teenage age made it easier for her to get blood gushing out of my skin.

I got furious and turned to her. "Sam will never love you! Do you think he loved you in the first place? He was just using you to get to me! Because I'm the one he wants."

"That's a lie!"

"Ask him and let him tell you everything. I'm sure he will be delighted to let you know how many times he has crowded me against the wall and gave me the best sex ever."

That was enough to make her upset and she rushed towards me like a sea witch, tackled me to the ground and made sure she gave be injuries in so many places, until my brothers came along and pulled her away from me.

"What the hell, Jenna? What are you doing?"

"What am I doing? She slept with Sam! And she can do is brag about it!"

Derrick looked at me. I looked away. "You've been sleeping with Sam?"

I said nothing.

"Answer me!"

I shook with that. He had been a lot more touchy since that night he raped a girl.

I said curtly.

"What the. . ."
Jamal said in shock.

"How long?"
Kendrick asked.

"A while now."

"You. . ."
Mayor said and charged towards me, but Kendrick blocked his path, holding him back. "What are you doing, get out of the way, dude."
Mayor said, pushing Kendrick aside.

"Stop this, Mayor."

"You want to hit a woman?"

"That's not a woman, that's a witch. She's been. . . Get out of the way, I need to tell her something and then go straight to that bastard and beat the living daylight out of him."
Mayor snapped.

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