Chapter 46 - Izzy Sixx

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"Everything looks good and healthy with the baby, you can be discharged today if you like" The doctor said and you sighed in relief

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"Everything looks good and healthy with the baby, you can be discharged today if you like" The doctor said and you sighed in relief.

"I can't wait for my own bed" You yawned as you held your baby. Truth be told, you couldn't sleep without Nikki.  She was opening her eyes and looking around a little now. She had your eye colour, but she definitely had so many aspects to her that read Nikki.

"Y'know your nurse wouldn't even let me in two minutes before visitation. " Nikki ranted to the doctor as he came into the room with a huge bear.

"I'll go get those papers for you Mrs Sixx" The doctor said with a smile before leaving the room. You grumbled your normal response before eyeing the bear.

"That bear will completely suffocate her until she's 12. It's huge" You commented as he rested it on a chair. He sat next to you on the bed, kissing your cheek before diverting his attention to the baby. You passed her to him and he grinned.

"She's so perfect" Nikki smiled. "Hey look at my arm"

You rolled up his sleeve to find some film on his arm. You pulled it back to see Isabella written neatly into his sleeve right by Gunner's name.

"I couldn't sleep." Nikki justified. "Are they letting you out?"

"I violated my parole so I gotta stay here for 30 days" You mumbled kissing his arm as you rested your head on his shoulder. "I'm just waiting for the papers and then we can go."

"Good." Nikki murmured, distracted by the baby as he made faces at her. "Do you think she's gonna be a terror?"

"You're her dad aren't you?" You said with a grin. "We'll be good parents. She'll make better choices.


It didn't take awfully long for you to be released and get back home. You walked into the house and made a beeline to the sofa in the living room. Nikki carried the baby basket into the room and you rested Isabella in it.

"Look at all those presents" You said with a grin as you walked over to the table filled with gifts, flowers and bears. You started opening some, grateful for some, concerned by others.

"Erm, Nikki there's a stack of porn here with a bow on from Tommy" You said raising an eyebrow. "I think there was something about dwarves involved on one. I don't wanna know"

Nikki wrapped an arm around you as he read the videos over your shoulder as you grimaced at the description of some.  "He's a funny dude."

"Awe, look what Jon sent" You said picking up the little red bear with a card attached to it. Nikki rolled his eyes and put the bear to the side.

"Whoa" You said quietly as you read a card. "Nikki,.."

He looked at the congratulations card and ran a hand over his face.

"That's nice of him to send that right?" You asked as Nikki picked up the gift wrap. He stayed silent as he walked to the kitchen. You took the card and put it on top of your fireplace anyway.

'Congrats on the baby. - Vince'


"Wanna make out?" You asked straddling Nikki as he watched the TV.

"What's gotten into you?" He smirked as he pulled you close. 

"Sometimes I look at you and I'm just blown away. And we just made something pretty special together" You smiled. "I just wanna be close to you, I missed you"

"I missed you too" He said with a sigh, distracted suddenly. "The label wants us to go on tour next month"

"How long for?" You asked, unable to stop your face from dropping. "It's so soon."

"A while. They want six months from us but I don't want to do it" Nikki ran a hand through his hair. "I want her to know me."

"She will, But this is about your music. You just brought out a new album. You gotta play some shows, get back into the swing of things" You said sadly, running a hand over his cheek. He kissed your palm.

"Why are you so understanding?" He asked quietly as you moved off his lap.

"The band came first. And it needs to, it's always been your dream. I'll be with Izzy, you can call us all the time. It'll be hard..But we'll do it" You said suddenly scared at the thought of raising Isabella alone.

"I just want out of this contract. I hate this dictator bullshit" Nikki ranted.

"Get your music. Once you get the rights to your stuff, you're your own boss." You said with a shrug.


A month had flown past. Izzy was really aware of her surroundings. She loved being with Nikki, he put her to sleep instantly even if she was screaming. You on the other hand had no control. You didn't have the magic powers he seemed to have.

"I'll be back just in time for Christmas" Nikki said quietly as you admired him resting Izzy on his bare chest as she slept.

"That's crazy." You mumbled as he looked at you sadly. He put Izzy in her crib before leaning over you as you sat on the bed.

"You're still my girl right?" He asked running a thumb along your cheek. You could tell he was feeling insecure recently. He didn't know where the band stood, he felt like he was failing as a father by leaving for so long, he felt like now you had the baby you were doubting your commitment to him

But it couldn't have been more opposite. If you had any doubts how much you loved him, you would just watch him with your baby and you fell head over heels all over again.

"Always" You reassured leaning up to kiss him. His kiss was needy, desperate as he held you to him.

"Don't do anything stupid while you're away. And leave your hair alone. Nikki I swear if you cut it shorter I will lose my shit" You hissed at him. He had been tempted to cut his bangs and start really spiking it up again. But you loved his hair long.

"I love you babe" He said pulling a shirt on and his jacket. "Don't run away with Bon Jovi while I'm gone."

"Depends on your hair" You smiled following him out the room. He headed downstairs and grabbed his luggage. He sighed as he held you tight.

"I really don't want to go" He mumbled into your shoulder.

"Go play, you love playing so go and do what you love" You persuaded. He kissed you once more before heading out to the car outside. You waved him off as the car pulled away. You felt slightly disheartened, but it wasn't just you anymore.

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