I Saw Red.

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"C'mon, you gotta go" You said to the half asleep body next to you

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"C'mon, you gotta go" You said to the half asleep body next to you. You had no idea what his name was. He groaned and looked at you.

"Let me just stay I will go in the morning" He relied gruffly. You pushed the covers off him and threw his jeans at him.

"Out. I don't spend the night with guys." You ordered. You watched the guy grab his clothes as he muttered under his breath about you. You slammed the front door after him and yawned. The ache was still there, unsatisfied. You were still yet to find someone who could thrill you the same way.

You looked at the empty bed and sighed, crawling into it. It would have to do.


"The stronger the love, the deeper the devotion" You sang along to the radio as you drove. You had flown to LA to check on the house now everything was finalised. Your heart was in your throat as you pulled up to the house. You could blink and be back in time immediately.

You closed your car door and took a breath as you unlocked the front door. It was like nothing had changed. Apart from the fact it was bare. Completely bare.

You walked upstairs to the bedroom and leant against the door. Not one piece of evidence of anyone's existence in the house. You closed your eyes shut as you tried to contain your emotions. You had been working through with your therapist everything about the relationship. You had to be strong for yourself.

Nikki sat at his desk as he went through the motions of writing some songs. He looked at his phone and grinned when he saw her name.

"Jane..I told you I can't talk during the day" He muttered down the phone. He had met her when he was going around some shows. She had confessed she was the wife of Bruce, but he didn't care. She put out good. He wrote down the address she provided him with and promised he'd be there soon.

He leant back in his chair and looked around the room. It was dark, it wasn't lively. It was a slight reminiscent of his old ways. He thought of you everyday. He wondered if you had moved on yet. It wouldn't take long if you were looking for someone. He picked up the phone again and dialled a number.

"What do you want?"

"Hello to you too" He snorted as he spun around slowly in his chair. "I just wanted to talk."

"Nikki I'm not your friend." Lita muttered down the other line. "You can work with John but that's as far as our friendship goes."

He stayed silent as he listened to her rant on how much he hurt he had caused. He was too stubborn to admit that he wished he had done everything differently.

"I just called to see if she's doing okay" He admitted. He ran a hand through his hair anxiously as he heard Lita play with the phone.

"She's doing a lot better. She's over everything now.
She's even back at the house. She's seeing someone as well. They are very in love." Lita lied. Nikki swallowed hard and nodded to himself.

"So that's that" He mumbled.

"That's that" Lita reiterated. "There's life after you Sixx, believe it or not."


"Right here would be great, thanks" You said to the delivery guy. You had ordered yourself a mattress for you to stay on. You just wanted to see if you had any inclination of staying in the house or if you wanted to go back to Vancouver.

You signed the contract and walked into the living room, pulling the mattress in. You were surprised to see your TV and records were still there, untouched. You knew he would take the sofa, he loved that damn thing. You dropped the mattress on the floor with a bang before sitting on it. You leant against the wall and turned on the TV.

Nikki had the address. He knew where he was going. He kept trying to forcefully think of how his night was gonna go. He told Donna he was hanging with the guys. He would get to Janes' hotel, fuck for a few hours then meet up with the guys at a bar and have a few drinks.

So why had he pulled up opposite the house? He was the other side of the road so he wouldn't be seen. He spotted your rental car outside the front of the house. It was always the same car, you only felt comfortable driving around in bigger cars.

He could see the TV flashing against the curtains in the living room. He felt like someone has a chokehold on his windpipe. He leant against the steering wheel and tried to control his breathing. It was taking everything to not go in there and see you. He watched as a car drove past him and up the drive. He frowned as he watched a familiar blonde get out the car and knock the door. Jani.

He started the car and drove off with gritted teeth. He couldn't even consider why Jani was there.

"Mr Lane, welcome to my not so humble abode" You grinned letting him in. He gave you a hug and followed you into the living room.

"Man he really left this place empty Cherry" Jani sighed as he rubbed his neck. "Come stay with me and Bobbi."

"No, c'mon I don't want to intrude. Plus I love this place" You murmured as you looked through your bag. "Here I've got it."

You handed him the tape in your hand and he grinned.

"I don't have a tape player in here" You said looking around.

"C'mon let's go listen to it in the car" Jani replied. He took your hand and led you to his car. He had asked you to write the band an angsty song. He was too in love with Bobbi to feel anything sad or angry to write about. Lucky for him, you were in the perfect predicament. He put the tape into his car and turned the volume up.

I saw red
When I opened up the door
I saw red
My heart just spilled onto the floor
And I didn't need to see his face
I saw yours
I saw red when I closed the door
I don't think I'm gonna love you anymore
I've been hurt
And I've been blind
I'm not sure that I'll be fine
I never thought it would end this way.

"It's perfect Cherry" Jani said squeezing your hand. His smile sunk when he looked at you. When he had realisation of the song. "He's a fucking douchebag."

"He is" You laughed as you wiped the side of your eyes. You sniffed and gave him a reassuring nod. "I'm fine, honestly."

"Bobbi loves you, you know this. Just come home with me" Jani offered again as he brushed some hair from your face. You took his hand and pressed a kiss to his palm.

"I'm okay Jani, I promise."

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