Chapter 122 - Birthday Secrets

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"Who's that?" Nikki asked as you were texting on your phone frantically

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"Who's that?" Nikki asked as you were texting on your phone frantically.

"Nobody important" You said with a smile as you closed your phone.

Nikki tilted his head as he watched you when your phone buzzed again. You opened it immediately, your smile not faltering as your fingers tapped away again. You had been hiding something over the last few weeks. You were making continued disappearances without telling him where you were going. You wouldn't tell him anything and he was becoming agitated.

Your phone started ringing and you jumped up and went into the spare bedroom. He growled as he heard you mention a name: Charlie. Who was this guy?

"'Maybe she got tired of your old ass and decided she needed someone new" Tommy mentioned as Nikki sat there with a sigh.

"I don't fuckin know. I never though she'd cheat on me. But she's so jumpy." Nikki said with a shrug. It was playing on his mind but he had to talk business. "Is everyone happy with the final draft?"

"Yeah, it's brutally honest. I don't know how many people are gonna wanna listen to us anymore but, at least we're honest" Tommy nodded. "Vince and Mick said it was fine too."

"Great, I'll get it sent off" Nikki mentioned dialling his manager. You walked back in as you put your phone in your pocket.

"Who you calling?" You asked as you sat down.

"No-one" Nikki growled and you held your arms up in defence.

"Whoa, can I have my head back please? I only asked" You shrugged. "Tommy, can I talk to you?"

"Sure dude" Tommy said getting up and following you out.

Nikki sighed as he couldn't get hold of his manager and hung up the phone. He felt so out the loop, he was getting pissed off. He headed upstairs, yelling bye at Tommy sarcastically.

After speaking to Tommy you checked the time.
It was only midday. You felt kinda productive. You had taken Gunner and Izzy to their individual schools. You had made so much progress on Nikki's birthday gift, you were so excited for him to see it. You had brought him an actual studio, which he kept saying he wanted but never got round to it.

Tommy went and you headed upstairs to find Nikki lying on the bed face down. You straddled his back as he told you to fuck off.

"What's wrong grumpy?" You said as you rubbed his shoulders. He said something into the pillow that was incomprehensible. "What?"

"Are you having an affair with Charlie?" He grinned and you laughed at the though. Charlie was a gay photographer who had been helping you with Nikki's studio considering you had no clue about camera's and sets.

"I am, he's actually meant to come round in ten minutes so if you could make yourself scarce" You joked and he grumbled again. "No Nikki I'm not having a secret love affair with Charlie, who's a gay man by the way"

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