Chapter 66 - Morphine.

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That night he finally uncuffed you to then fuck you in the shower

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That night he finally uncuffed you to then fuck you in the shower. You felt tired, Nikki almost had to carry you downstairs to get some food. You were drained, in such a good way. Although sex was always regular, the darker stuff you couldn't really do anymore because of Izzy. You didn't want to traumatise the poor kid.

He brought out a very submissive side of you which he loved. But he didn't mind the occasion when you took charge. But tonight was not that night. Sitting in the jacuzzi after dinner definitely helped the aches you were feeling.

"You wanna help me?" Nikki asked as he handed you his book. You smirked at the lyrics that he had written down. He just needed you to piece them together.

It kinda makes me wonder
About the lovers that have been.
Lyin' in my bed with her hands tied up
I knew it all along that it wasn't enough
'Cause when I gotta taste of you
I found something I could sink my teeth into

"It's pretty hot Nikki, if I didn't feel so beat up I may just let you fuck me again" You laughed. "Let me think about this for a while."

He pulled you to him as you rested your head on his shoulder and kissed your forehead.

"I miss Izzy" You stated and Nikki laughed.

"Yeah I miss her too. She's crazy" He replies. "On the topic, I've booked the operation."

"Oh" You said sitting up slightly. "When for? You've made a decision?"

"I have" He said with a sigh. "Two weeks, my dicks gonna be out of action for a while. But it means we can have sex without me worrying about that stuff"

"Yeah, I guess so" You nodded. "How longs the operation?"

"Not long just an hour or two. Then you can take me home and look after me" Nikki smiled but he noticed your uncertainty. "You don't want me to do it"

"I want you to do whatever you want Nikki, it's just sad."You said with a weak smile. "It's not a big deal"

"I understand. And you are a great mom to Izzy and I'm sure you would be to any of our kids, but I've done this, twice. It's enough for me" He sighed and you nodded. "C'mere"

He pulled you into a hug as you buried your face into his neck. You both understood each other, but this was his decision to make.


You were in the airport waiting for the plane home when you noticed the magazines. You read the front of one and called Nikki over.


"He wouldn't do that right?" You asked Nikki and he shrugged, he acted like he couldn't careless. But you knew he was just hurting.

"Nikki, this is Tommy.. You're best friend" You tried to explain but he turned his back to you as he read something else. You sighed as you flicked the pages, reading the story.

"He kicked her whilst she was holding Brandon after an argument" You said but still, nothing.

"He made his bed, he can lie in it" Nikki stated with a shrug before walking out the store. You knew he didn't mean it, it was just gonna take sometime.


The band were in the studio, discussing what to do with their lack of drummer and who they could hire to replace Tommy and what album they should put out next.

Izzy was fully walking around and occasionally you kept hearing her cry everytime she fell over. The dogs weren't too happy when she kept chasing after them. You kept having to move everything out of her reach because she had a habit of destroying everything.

You wanted to reach out to Tommy, but you were unsure if Nikki would be okay if you did and you didn't want a repeat argument of what happened with Vince.

Over the next few days Nikki explained to you the pre-op procedures for his operation and what was gonna happen. You had driven Nikki to the hospital and were pretty nervous as you waited for the operation to be over.

He was nervous about being drugged and how much pain medication he was on, terrified of a relapse. There was an ache deep inside at the thought of you never experiencing another child with your husband. That Izzy was your only one, you would have loved a little boy who looked like Nikki. But you had to stop thinking that way.

The doctors eventually came and got you and you went into the room. He was out of it, gowned up, his hair flat. You held his hand and stroked his hair, the doctor explained to you the healing process and what Nikki needed to do.

"Doc?" You called before he could walk out the room. "How permanent is this? What if he changed his mind?"

The doctor offered you a warm smile and explained he had a lot of wife's say the same thing. He explained it was reversible but the change of impregnating someone was extremely slim. Almost next to none. You nodded and thanked him as he left.

He looked so peaceful sleeping, he was always normally up before you, so it was rare for you to appreciate how he looked sleeping. His face was still youthful, but he was getting some lines that aged him nicely.  He had been so stressed and worried about Tommy, you hoped that he would be stress free again soon. He stirred and opened his eyes slowly, looking confused.

"Im awake" He slurred as he smiled at you almost drunkenly. "My angel."

"Hey baby" You smiled as you held his hand. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm..good. Yeah, I had the weirdest dream"  He mumbled closing his eyes again. "I had the best fuckin..Apple pie."

You watched as he drifted off again and you shook your head. He was in and out of consciousness, mumbling about apple pie.

"I love this feeling" He sighed happily. "I haven't felt this good, in years"

"Well I'm glad you're enjoying yourself" You mentioned skeptically. He smiled at you as he held your hand.

"I love you, you're so crazy sometimes" He chuckled. "But you're my wife, and that's fuckin crazy"

"It's definitely crazy" You smirked rolling your eyes. "We can go home soon, you excited to go home?"

"I don't wanna go back to my apartment. Tommy hasn't taken the trash out and there's roaches" Nikki mumbled. "I don't want you seeing that apartment."

"Okay baby, well we could go to our house instead if you want? It's roach free" You smirked and he nodded.

"Yeah let's go there instead" He kept nodding as he closed his eyes. You packed up his stuff as the nurse mentioned she was happy for you to change him but he should wear something other than jeans and leather pants for a while.

You unknotted his gown and pulled it off his arms. He watched you with a smile as you grabbed his T-shirt.

"Raise your arms Nikki" You instructed and he smiled, doing what he was told. You pulled the T-shirt over his head and then ran a hand through his hair.

"You're so beautiful" He grinned. "Can I have a kiss?"

"Of course" You mumbled kissing him lightly."Can you stand up?"

He hissed as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. He was all bandaged up and you handed him his shorts as he pulled them on hissing again.

He sat in a wheelchair and you wheeled him out the hospital and to your car.

Nikki went straight to bed and napped as you tidied up. You eyed the phone and sighed frustrated, you wished you weren't so caring. You cussed as you picked up the phone and dialled Tommy's number.

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