Chapter 82 - About A Girl.

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'Girls galore, every sweet one ready for anything and so be it

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'Girls galore, every sweet one ready for anything and so be it. Out to the limo, and off with the clothes. A few lines up the nose. A rock n roll cliche 101. Back into the club, back out to the car with a different chick..''

You read the diary as you sat on the beach. You left the house with the pretense of calming yourself down and considering the options for Izzy. But instead you were sat on the beach, reading the diary, ignoring everyone else.

It amazed you how much Nikki put himself through repeatedly. He would bring himself to a dark place and then decide to drag himself down even deeper. You read about Vanity and understood why their relationship was so toxic. She would mess with his head repeatedly and he would use her for company to get high with. You were surprised to read they were engaged, you were surprised that they even remembered they were engaged after how high they were.

Your phone started ringing and you sighed. Guess you couldn't keep running away from your responsibility.


"Can you come home and talk to me? We haven't spoken in hours, I don't know where you are.." You heard Nikki sigh on the end of the phone.

"I'm just at the beach. I'm coming back now, but I'm not happy Nikki" You warned. You hung up the phone and grabbed the diary , you began your walk back to the house.

The lights were off apart from the living room where Nikki was sat watching the TV. He looked up at you as you walked in and dumped your stuff on the floor. You saw him point to his hair, it was back to black, no red in sight. You forced your face to stay scowling as you sat down a seat away from him on the sofa. The arguments you normally would have were relentless, back and forth bickering at each other, neither one wanting to back down. It was rare that Nikki remained quiet, accepting that he was in the wrong.

He put his palm out on the seat between you and you eyed it. Without looking at him you put your hand in his.

"Explain" You instructed sternly, your tone still pissed.

"I went to get Izzy, the dad of the other kid was there bitching at Izzy. She was crying, there were no teachers around. So I went over, asked him who the hell he thought he was speaking to. Said if I ever heard him tell my kid off again I'd smack him in the mouth. I went to turn and walk off with Izzy when he started talking shit about me and about her. So I socked him in the nose" Nikki explained with a shrug. "Don't talk to my kid like she's a piece of shit"

You knew deep down that if you had gone instead of Nikki that it would have ended the same way. You didn't say a word, just moved into his side and put your head against his chest. You eyed his black and purple knuckle and kissed it lightly.

"So you were engaged" You mumbled as you opened the diary back up. "And having a sex limo party."

"Vanity was fuckin insane" Nikki murmured. "The sex party was awesome."

"Y'know it never crossed my mind how many people you've slept with. Maybe I should get checked out" You cringed and he laughed.

"If there was anything, you'd be knee deep in it by now" Nikki muttered kissing your head. "Maybe you should stop reading them."

"I will when you give me 1989" You huffed as he took the diary off you. He leant down the side of the sofa and pulled out another diary and handed it to you.

Monsters of Rock Day One -

We arrived late yet again. It feels like we can't get anywhere on time. A fresh sober band who's biggest drug right now is sleep. It's just as addictive.

This tour is going to be the soberest tour we've done. And none of us are looking forward to it. We've seen most the bands ten times before and the newer bands, I can't say I've heard.

Soundcheck is looming. We don't soundcheck, not for festivals. We don't need to. But we do like using the opportunity to see the other bands. It's a dick sizing contest, which bands do we sound better than. The answer is probably all of them.

I'll check back later.

"Oh my god, what an ego" You laughed as he read over your shoulder occasionally as he watched the tv, his hand stroking your arm. "You guys are so big headed."

"Yup" Nikki said as he flicked the channels.

I don't think this tour is gonna be boring after all. Vince was waving his dick around talking shit about having an all girl band on the bill. Glorified groupies he called them. They sounded awesome in soundcheck, if they bring that attitude to the stage, they will wipe the smirk off of guys like Vince's faces.

The issue was Vince is drunk and a dick. We were all pretty tipsy. The jack in hand was all I could offer myself. But Vince was running his mouth, trying to get the girls attention. And he sure fucking did.

Normally if someone calls Vince out on his shit, we leave them to it. But these girls were full of fire, you could see they were ready to take no prisoners. The one of the left caught my eye immediately. She had an attitude about her, she didn't need to say anything. But I was dying to hear her talk.

So what do grown men do? They insult the girl and her friends.

And she verbally kicked my ass. I was almost in shock. Girls were either all over me or intimidated by me and my cockiness. But she was not standing for it. Her words bit back as a smirk stayed on her face. I followed her eyes as they looked at me up and down. Tommy had a theory that if a girl could chew him up, spit him out and he wanted her to do it again and again, it was fucking love dude.

And that's all I wanted, more insults from that beautiful woman. Anything, just to keep her attention on me.

Nikki watched you sit up as you fanned yourself with the book. He raised an eyebrow at you in confusion.

"This is kinda a turn on" You murmured. "It's hot reading your perspective what can I say?"

He watched with a grin as you knelt on the floor, pulling his belt off his jeans. You unbuttoned then desperately. He leant up as you tugged the jeans to the floor.

"You're not gonna tease me are you darlin?" He drawled slightly as you ran your hands up his thigh. You smirked up at him as you unbuttoned his boxers slowly.

"I wouldn't dream of it"


She wouldn't tell me her name. I watched her play and play, but her singer didn't bother to introduce the band. Selfish. I managed to catch her backstage. I watched as she walked my way, even her walk had attitude. She almost walked past me and I almost let her to just to keep my eyes on her ass.

I tried to get her attention, but her face turned into a scowl as she looked at me. It was weird to not have her fawn all over me like 99% of the women were. She said nothing and it killed me. It's almost like she knew that it was all I wanted and she chose not to give it to me. She just walked away, giving me the finger.

I'm pretty much sober, but I have found a whole new addiction.

You sat there with a smile as Nikki lay next to you half asleep. His eyes were closed but his hand was stroking your back lazily. You had come so far in your relationship but in some aspects it was like nothing had changed at all.

"Babe.."Nikki called you quietly but you ignored him as you kept reading. "Babe.."

"Sssh I'm reading" You whispered quietly and he smirked.

"Why don't you come sit on my face and make me shush" He said turning on his side to face you. You closed the book and smiled sweetly.

"Well if you say so.."

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