Chapter 116 - Tahoe

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"You know this a really bad idea" Lita laughed as she got in the car

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"You know this a really bad idea" Lita laughed as she got in the car. She shoved her stuff in the trunk and joined the three of you for a trip to the lake.

"I'm driving so I get to pick the music" You said as you hit Nikki's hand away from the stereo.

"I hate Styx. With so much passion" Nikki groaned as you turned up the volume as Lita sang along. You grinned as Nikki shook his head. After your Styx song had finished you changed it your old faithful Stevie Ray and began your road trip.

"What this man did was incredible" Lita commented as she danced to Pride and Joy with Izzy.

"I sing this to her every bath time" You grinned. Nikki was tapping his knee as he had his foot up on the dash.

It didn't take long at arrive at Lake Tahoe. You knew Nikki and Tommy had many a good time here. It was about time you were brought to one of Nikki's rendezvous spots.

You were greeted by someone who worked for the cabin service and directed you where to go. As you pulled up by the cabins, you were amazed how large they were. They each shared the rest of the woods and the lake. The only privacy they had was inside.

"Okay lets go unpack, let me know if anyone else gets  here on time" Nikki said as he grabbed the stuff from the trunk.

"It's not gonna be Tommy" Lita smirked as she grabbed her stuff. "C'mon kiddo you wanna help me unpack?"

Izzy nodded and followed Lita into her cabin. You pulled your case up onto the wooden porch as Nikki unlocked the door. The whole place was beautiful. It had a minimalist feel to it, but was still huge.

"We have a hot tub on the back porch" Nikki grinned snaking his arms around you.

"That sounds great but we also have no fence separating us from everyone else" You smirked.

"Well remember how we would sneak around in public. I say tonight, around early morning we start that back up again." Nikki smirked as he kissed your neck. Your marks had gone, you felt like a fresh woman again. Almost. It would help if you didn't dream about the situation every night.

"I'll think about it" You grinned as you pulled the case to your room. You looked at the one huge bed and walked back out into the living area.

"Izzy doesn't have a bed" You mentioned. "She's gonna have to sleep with us."

"Well then we are definitely using that hot tub" He grinned and you rolled your eyes. You heard a car outside and you stuck your head out the front door.

You grimaced at the over expensive car that had pulled up. It must have been a Ferrari or a Lambo or something. Just in the middle of the woods.

"Nikki you're dickhead singer made it" You said without enthusiasm as you took over unpacking while he went to speak to Vince.

Eventually everyone turned up. You had brought with you some camping chairs and set them up not that far at the back of everyone's cabins. Just overlooking the lake. Tommy got a fire going as Mick sat there holding hands with Tina. He always ended up with backing singers or dancers.

"I got a stereo" Lita said hitting the portable as she brought it out. She turned it onto the local radio station and put it next to everyone.

"I've never done this without booze. It's fucking weird" Tommy said as he relaxed in the chair with water in his hand.

"I think we're all good with beer, I brought some with us" Tina mentioned as she threw a can to Tommy. You declined and Lita accepted. You could never stand the taste of beer anyway, so that made it a bit easier for you.

"Me too please" You heard Izzy yell as she sat on the floor with her book. You grabbed a box of juice and handed it to her.

"Vince and Nikki still hashing things out?" Tommy asked after you caught him up on the situation.

"Yeah, he better integrate well. Cause I'm here a relaxing good time" You said pushing your sunglasses up as the sun went down. You pulled out the food and handed it to Tommy to start cooking. He walked back up to the back porch and started grilling on the barbecue.

"So what's new with you Mick? See you got yourself a lady friend" Lita smirked and nodded to Tina.

"Well I've got a hospital appointment about my condition next week. Apart from that fuck all" Mick laughed as he drank his beer. "You still after me Ford?"

"Always, I won't rest until I've had the full band" She laughed as she licked her lips. "Nah I haven't had sex since I left rehab. I was in some sex therapy"

"It's definitely what you needed" You snorted as she pushed you gently.

"It sounds like it's gonna go off in there" Tommy yelled down. You and Lita got up and headed to Vince's. She pulled open the back door to see Vince standing over Nikki, yelling at him as he sat there looking bored.

"Here's the fucking cavalry. It's pathetic Nikki" Vince spat. He looked at you and walked over. Nikki jumped up but you shook your head.

"Vince there was a time I thought we were kinda friends. When we met up for play dates with Izzy and Skylar. I know shits gone downhill since then but stop projecting onto me" You said calmly. He growled and stood a step closer to you.

"You don't know shit. I was never your friend, you're just another one of Nikki's girls. They never last long. You fucked someone else, called rape and then forced Nikki to leave the tour. You have him wrapped around your little finger" Vince growled. You could smell the whiskey, you could see his anger.

"C'mon Vinnie, sit down" Lita said but he pushed her off.

"You're probably fucking Tommy too. I see the way you look at him. Traitor" Vince growled.

"Have you finished running your mouth?" You said simply. "I am not out to ruin the band, or you or Nikki. I have always loved and supported everything Nikki has done. I didn't want him to quit the tour Vince. I'm not this gold digging bitch you make me out to be. We've been married for 4 years or so, I'm not going anywhere. We've been together for 11 years. I'm pretty permanent."

"On and off. Temporary" Vince snorted sitting down.

"Yeah for things that were my fault" Nikki interjected. "Leave her alone Vince. Every decision that you think you hate her for has been made by me. She wasn't fucking with Newsted, she isn't fucking Tommy. I quit the tour Vince."

"So you just quit because of that?" He scoffed.

"No, I quit partly because of that. But I was sick to death of us sounding like shit. Nobody doing anything new creatively. We are burnt out. We need a break" Nikki sighed. "Look I brought you here to have a good time, to make amends. Why don't you come out when you've made a decision."

Nikki walked out towards the back as did Lita. You looked at Vince who was just staring at you. You sighed and sat next to him as he rubbed his face.

"Why are you still here?" He asked. He was surprised when you took his hand and swallowed hard.

"I'm always here for you Vince. To talk about whatever, whenever. But stop pushing your friends away. We want to be here for you" You said quietly. He sniffed and nodded after a few moments. You squeezed his hand before walking out the house to join everyone else.

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