Chapter 110 - The Jack

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You sat in the studio with Tommy and three of his band members

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You sat in the studio with Tommy and three of his band members. They called themselves Methods of Mayhem. He had begged you to produce him, but truth be told, you had never touched on the Nu Metal scene. You weren't even sure how you recorded a DJ, didn't they have their own samples?

"No dude get that out" Nikki said sternly as he watched one of Tommy's friends pull out a small bottle of vodka.

"Don't bust my balls man, I can do what I want on my studio time" The guy argued. You widened your eyes and just stared at the songs in front of you. Tommy could fix that one.

"And I can say what I want in my studio, no fuckin booze" Nikki said once more.

"Pfft, who even is this guy?" He laughed as he put the bottle away. Tommy was not one for confrontation unless it was an actual fight.

"I'm Nikki Sixx motherfucker and you're in my house. Show some respect or get the fuck out" Nikki warned before sitting next to you.

"Tommy this really isn't my deal. I'm gonna have to call Bob about the samples. Any actual instruments,
I will record and produce now." You offered him and he nodded.

"Okay we could do Crash to start with and go from there" Tommy nodded as he ordered everyone to get their instruments. You watched as they flooded out the house to the van outside. You looked at Nikki and laughed.

"Fucking help me" You groaned as you leant your head on his shoulder.

"You gave into him. I told you it's not your thing" Nikki shook his head. "Hey, have you made a decision about the tour? I've only got a few days left."

"I haven't even had a chance to think about it" You said looking at Tommy's tracklist. "It depends how fast I can get this done. I really wish I didn't agree to this."

"It will come out great" Nikki reassured but somehow you were skeptical.

You had walked out the studio to get a drink and check on the dogs. When you walked back in you were hit with the smell of booze and weed. Two big bottles, one of Jack one of Vodka sat on the table as the guys drank to "get in their zone."

You looked at the bottle of Jack and swallowed against your suddenly dry mouth. You were yet to come face to face with it.

"Tommy you can't drink in here, you gotta tell your guys" You said trying to ignore the shots his friends were taking.

"We're just trying to loosen up. Plus you're that side of the screen so no temptation" Tommy persuaded.

"Let's just get this over with" You sighed as you went into the mixing room. "You guys all set up and ready?"

Tommy gave you a thumbs up as you hit record for the master track. His DJ, the one who started sassing to Nikki was sat on the sofa drinking from the bottle. He wasn't of use as of yet as you were gonna get him sampled later. You should have been concentrating on the band. But you were staring at him, watching the golden liquid pour down his throat.

You grabbed your phone with shaky hands and sent Nikki a message. All it said was SOS, come in two minutes.

The longest two minutes of your life spent listening to a song about a car crash. This felt like a car crash. You guessed Nikki was stood outside the door cause as soon as they finished he walked in. He eyed the bottles on the table and sighed.

"T Bone, you can't bring this around her" Nikki argued. "If your dude isn't needed maybe he should head to a bar."

"Look dude, she's not drinking it. I don't see what the issue is" Tommy argued. You walked out the room and tried to keep your eye off the bottle sat on the table.

"Tommy I can't produce your album. I love you and your work but I don't even have the slightest clue about this. You should contact an actual Nu metal producer" You said to him. He sighed and grabbed his stuff.

"You're just saying that because Nikki doesn't like that I'm recording with another band" Tommy shrugged as he rounded the guys up.

"No Tommy, I just can't do it" You pleaded as he stormed out and ran down the stairs. You sighed as Nikki watched him.

"Just let him go, he's acting like a fuckin child" Nikki scoffed. He went back in the studio and sat on the sofa with a sigh.

"Why can't metal just be metal? Why do they need to include arrogant asshole djs now?" You scoffed as you sat down next to him.

"I guess it means you're free now?" Nikki smirked as you leant against him. "Come on tour with me."

"I will come on tour with you, if you come to a show with me and Izzy tomorrow" You said with a sweet smile.

"What show? It's not a Sesame Street thing is it?" He asked as you sat on his lap.

"Hmm no, but in your head it could be worse than that" You grinned and he narrowed his eyes. "How desperate are you for me to come on the tour?"

"Just tell me the band" He said bored and you laughed.

"Warrants reunion show." You said quietly. You kissed him quickly before he had a chance to argue. He put you on the sofa and hovered over you as you wrapped your legs around him. He pulled away and pulled his t shirt off and threw it to the side.

"So what do you say?" You grinned as he unbuckled his belt.

"I say there's some other ways of persuasion I'd be open to" He grinned as he pulled down his jeans and his boxers. He groaned as he felt your mouth on him, his hand in your hair guiding you along his length.

"That's it babe, just like that" He said breathlessly as he steadied himself on the sofa. He closed his eyes and relaxed as you took over. One hand on his ass, pushing him forward to meet your rhythm. Nikki opened his eyes to see Tommy in the door way, just staring.

"Dude! Get the fuck outta here!" Nikki yelled throwing a cushion at him. He groaned as you moved away and looked at Tommy stood there.

"Fucking nice dude" Tommy grinned and you shook your head.

"Why are you here Tommy?" You asked sitting back as Nikki pulled his boxers back on.

"Well I left a bag of weed in here, but if you're offering, I'd like a blowjob to go please" He grinned as he walked into the room and picked up the baggy he had left behind.

"You wanna apologise while your here?" Nikki growled.

"Sorry for interrupting your blowjob dude." Tommy chuckled and Nikki rolled his eyes. "No I'm sorry about bitching earlier. If you can't do it, I get it. No hard feelings."

"Thanks Tommy" You sighed as you stood up. "I'm gonna go feed the dogs."

"Are you..Are we.." Nikki pointed to his dick and you waved him off.

"Nah, Tommy killed my momentum" You shook your head. You heard Tommy yelp as Nikki punched him in the arm.

"Hey are you making lunch? I've got some serious munchies.." Tommy called after you.

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