May 1989.

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"Can you believe this is happening?"

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"Can you believe this is happening?"

You couldn't help the grin that was permanently inflicted on your face as you went through your wardrobe. All of you had your suitcases laid out on the floor, MTV blasting whilst you packed.

"I hope KISS are there" Alice mentioned as she turned the volume up on the remote.

"Well we know we are gonna be there so that's all that matters." You mentioned trying to bring your friends back down to Earth. You had got the call that you were on the Monsters of Rock bill. It had been overwhelming at first, you guys had never travelled to Europe before nor played with such big bands.

"Alice! They are announcing it now" You rolled your eyes as you heard her yelp as she almost slipped on the discarded clothing on the floor. You hadn't found out the other bands on the bill and MTV were about to announce it.

"AC/DC are topping the bill for this years Monsters
Of Rock.."

"Okay, I like AC/DC.." You nodded as Alice shook her head in disagreement.

"You always like the dad rock" Alice chuckled. "What you gonna do, sleep with Angus Young?"

"Why's everything about sleeping with people?" You muttered as you looked at the TV again. You were hoping to see your little bands name come up. But you knew you'd be classed as "and more."

"Van Halen are the second band to be announced on the tour. Here's their song Hot For Teacher."

"Oh come on!" Alice groaned throwing a cushion at the TV. Rach came in with a handful of clothes and dropped them into the open suitcase on the floor. She shot you a questioning look.

"AC/DC and Van Halen" You mentioned and she shrugged.

"No Diamond Dave. Hopefully that means no crazy partying" Rach mentioned and you started laughing. "What?"

"Why are we not partying? This is our first tour guys! It shouldn't be about the other bands. It's about us finally making it. We should be celebrating!" You said nudging Alice as she rolled her eyes.

"Alice is convinced she's gonna meet her future husband on this tour" Rach mentioned sitting back on the sofa. "She's hoping for Poison. Or Ratt."

"All those glam bands are full of ego maniacs" You scoffed as you sat down next to Rach. "Trust me, they are not marriage material."

"I'm not looking for marriage" Alice huffed. "Those guys have other rumours about them too Y'know. They are quite good at getting down to business"

"Well I will make sure to buy you some condoms then" You chuckled. "Guys, it's coming back on shush!"

"The next two announcements are Dio and Megadeth.."

"There you go, small sensible Dio for you" Alice smirked as she patted you on the cheek. You batted her hands away and rolled your eyes.

"Okay last two, who are we hoping for?" Rach asked.

"Cheap Trick and Bon Jovi!" You said with a smile to which they both groaned.

"Ratt and Cinderella" Alice said putting money down on the table. You fumbled in your pocket and pulled out a ten, putting it down too. You both stared at Rach as she tapped a finger to her chin.

"Motley Crue and Aerosmith"

"Motley Crue haven't released an album or done anything for about two years!" Alice shook her head.

"I heard Aerosmith are recording at the moment too" You chimed in.

"You guys are spoil sports" Rach sighed as she put her money down. They heard the Dio song fade out and turned their attention back to the TV.

"We finally have Gary Moore and Motley Crue. Don't forget to check out the other bands on an official programme or poster near you."

You all stood there in silence before turning to Rach. She smiled as she picked up the money on the table and shoved it in her pockets.

"Well looks like Motley Crue will have to do" Alice sighed as she turned the TV off.


"Are you nervous?"

"Yes...Yeah" You sighed as you yelled over the music. Lita had taken you out for some last minute drinks before you had to prepare for the flight.

"Look, you are helping revolutionise the industry. We need strong female bands babe." Lita mentioned as she handed you a shot. You clinked glasses with her before throwing the liquid back.

"I wish you would just play again" You coughed as you wiped your chin. "You are the one to revolutionise this business."

"I've just been out the loop for a while." Lita shrugged. You loved Lita to pieces and were upset to see that she was taking time away from something she was so good at. "The men will try and take it away from you kid. Don't let them bring you down."

"There's nobody really there that I would let her under my skin" You shrugged as you finished the rest of your drink. "Mick Mars actually. He is so underrated."

"Mick is quiet but he's funny. Just don't piss him off and you'll be fine" She warned with a laugh. You watched as some guys approached you and sighed. Lita looked at you with a grin before turning to them.

You ignored his friend trying to get your attention. Your last relationship ended so horrifically, you didn't trust guys or what they were about. You weren't really one to sleep around. Especially with the new wave of shell suits and New Kids On The Block haircuts.

Where did rock and roll go?


"What are you working on?" Rach asked as she sat on the end of the bed. You felt sick, your flight was in a few hours. So you were writing some stuff to calm your nerves.

"It's called SOS, it's not my best work but it just came to me" You slid the paper over to Rach and she nodded. She wasn't as harsh as Alice on your critiques. "So are you aiming for fuck some bands on the tour?"

"Well if the opportunity presented itself and Tommy Lee wanted to bed me, who would I be to refuse?" Rach grinned and you chuckled. You watched as she leant back and picked a vinyl out of your collection.
She handed you the Mötley disc and you looked at it. You had been impressed with their last album.

"Just look at him isn't he gorgeous?" Rach said as you looked at the cover. You nodded as your hands skimmed over it.

"I mean them and Ratt..They all look the same" You mumbled and Rach sighed. "I love their sound but their look. It's, dated now?"

"You are going to be an old spinster" Rach warned as she took the vinyl from you. "I hope you know that."

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