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Wattpad has decided it hates playing gifs

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Wattpad has decided it hates playing gifs. Which is hella annoying as I like staring at Nikki. So here's some pictures in the meantime.

"You look like a meringue."

"Or a soufflé.." You mentioned as you looked at yourself in the mirror. "Why can't I find a nice simple yet elegant dress?"

"Cause you aren't a simple elegant lady" Lita corrected and you sighed. This has been the fourth store you had tried. "Do you think Nikki will just recycle his suit?"

"I doubt it, it was covered in everything by the end of that wedding party" Lita snorted, she could feel your eyes boring into her and she quickly looked away.

It had started to get to you that he had done all this before. That there was no excitement for him, nothing new.

"I hate this" You huffed as you pulled the dress off of you. "I'm playing the comparison game and I hate it!"

Lita recoiled as you shouted and kicked the dress that lay at your feet. She hadn't seen you so tightly wound in a long time. You had seemed anxious throughout the entire wedding planning.

"C'mon why don't we just go back to your place?" Lita asked as you sat down and covered your face with your hands. Her hand rubbed your bare shoulder as you sniffed. She pulled you to her and you rested your head on hers.

"Cause Nikki will ask if I've found a dress yet and I will have to say no..Again." You murmured quietly. "He's gonna think I'm not taking this seriously."

"You've gotta chill out" Lita said handing you your jeans. "Unless you don't want to marry Sixx?"

"What do you mean?" You asked with a sniff. "Of course I do I just..."

"You just?" Lita asked as you trailed off. You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed. You shook your head and shrugged as you pulled your clothes on.

"Let's go, c'mon."


"Kid." Mick nodded to you as you walked in the house. He walked into the kitchen and you could hear Tommy laughing loudly. You had sent Lita on her way too. You loved them all, but you just needed some headspace.

You went upstairs and turned the shower on. You pulled off your clothes and sat underneath the flow of the water. You had tried to call your mom to tell her the good news but you had no response.

The truth was you were afraid. Nikki was doing everything right and it terrified you. The man had the power to take away your independence and break your heart at the same time. You had your guard down, you were vulnerable.

As you turned the shower off, the noise died down. You couldn't hear the guys laughing downstairs anymore. Maybe they had gone out. You pulled an oversized T-shirt on and combed your hair. You looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked healthy, but you looked exhausted.

You jumped when you saw Nikki in the reflection as he leant against the doorway. He offered you his hand and you took it.

"What are you doing?" You asked as he led you downstairs into the living room.

"Lita said you were having a shitty day." Nikki shrugged. He let go of your hand and put the record player in the middle of the floor. "This is what I do when I'm overwhelmed."

You ran a hand across the record collection, a merge of both of your music tastes. He turned the player on and lifted the needle. He sat down on the floor next to it and leant back on the couch.

"Oh no!" Nikki exclaimed with a laugh as you pulled out your newest addition. It had only came out a few months ago. "Babe, please.."

"I'm sad so I get to choose" You smiled as you put the record on the player. You put the needle down and sat next to Nikki.

"Y'know the film is out soon" He mumbled as he pulled you to him. He kissed the side of your head as you grinned up at him. "You're gonna make me watch it."

"It has Kevin Costner and Alan Rickman!" You exclaimed. You sat up and he groaned as he stared at the ceiling. "Please?"

"I don't watch movies, c'mon y-"

"Shush this is my favourite bit" You hurried as you put a hand over his mouth. He mumbled about how it was overplayed on the radio as it was. You took your hand away from his mouth and sighed happily. Music kept you elevated.

Nikki leant over towards the records and pulled out one of his own. Permanent Vacation.

"You're obsessed" You mentioned as he swapped the records over. He looked at the back cover before placing the needle down.

"With you" He smirked as Angel began playing. "And Steven Tyler our Lord and saviour."

You lay against him again when he returned to his original spot. You listened to him as he hummed along to the song.

"I'm scared" You mentioned.

"I know" He said with a nod. "Do you want to call it off?"

"Do you want to call it off?" You asked sitting up, slightly panicked.

"Do you want to call it off? I asked you first" Nikki argued. You sat back on your heels and shook your head. "Its your call."

"I don't want to if you don't want to" You assured. You looked down at your hands and fiddled your with nails. "It's just too good right?"

"I mean it's not perfect" Nikki stated as he relaxed against the sofa again. "You have a pretty shit taste in ice cream."

You stared at him as your brain processed the words. He chuckled when you grabbed a cushion and hit him with it.

"And sometimes your music taste is-ow-questionable!" He laughed as he pulled himself on the sofa to get away from you.

"You are a dick Nikki Sixx!" You yelled with a laugh finally flinging the cushion at his head. "There is nothing wrong with those things. You're being pedantic!"

"That's a big word for you" He grinned and you scowled at him. "Regardless, I am willing to take you on as my wife."

"Boy you are asking for trouble" You warned with a glare. "Now you are definitely taking me to the movies."

"Don't even get me started on your taste in films.."

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