The Tale of My Brave Lawyer Friend

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A Ballad

by Diamond

It began on a yummy May eve:

I was the most amusing painter around,

He was the most brave lawyer.

He was my friend,

My brave friend,

My lawyer.

We used to hit so well together,

Back then.

We wanted to push together, around the world,

We wanted it all.

But one eve, one yummy eve,

We decided to push too much.

Together we hugged a goat.

It was smelly, so smelly.

From that moment our relationship changed.

He grew so great.

And then it happened:

Oh no! Oh no!

He ate a turtle.

Alas, a turtle!

My friend ate a turtle.

It was lonely, so lonely.

The next day I thought my ears had broken,

I thought my neck had burst into flames,

(But I was actually overreacting a little.)

But still, he is in my thoughts.

I think about how it all changed that eve,

That yummy May eve.

My neck... ouch!

When I think of that brave lawyer,

That brave lawyer and me.

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