Our Unique Carrot Love

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A Love Song For Otika

by Diamond

This one's for you Lord Otika!

My love for you is like the most unique carrot,

Your face reminds me of beautiful lions,

Together, we are like Sushi and sweet chili sauce.

Oh darling Soji,

My unique carrot,

My beautiful potato,

The perfect companion to my Sushi soul.

Roses are red,

Skies are blue,

I like the moon reflecting off water,

But not as much as I love kissing with you!

Oh darling Soji,

Your arm pits are like charming butterflies on a winter day,

You're like the most sexy samurai to ever walk Japan.

Your beautiful face,

Your sweet chili sauce soul,

Your charming arm pits,

Your sexy samurai being...

How could I look at another when our unique carrot love is so strong?

I love you Lord Otika!

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