i appreciate you • stephen curry

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dear juliana,

i know that i'm currently writing this while sitting across from you, but that's okay. you're currently reading this book, with the cutest frown on your face. i'm smiling as i'm writing, while looking up at you every few seconds.

i've decided to write you this quick letter on how much i appreciate you. i tell you everyday how much i love you, but i feel like i don't explain it enough.

ever since i bumped into you in that cafe (and you spilt all that coffee on me, ugh), my world just took a turn for the better. while you were cleaning up my shirt, i couldn't move, speak or do anything, because i was too stunned and amazed by your beauty. i'm not lying when i say you are the most beautiful person i have ever seen in my life. everything about you is just so gorgeous.

something i love about you is your mentality and determination to help others. you look around for others before yourself to see if anyone needs help. the little selfless things you do make me fall in love with you more and more everyday.

you set your mind on becoming a better person everyday, and that motivates me to become better too. whenever i'm stuck, i think of you, and all worries go away. you're the reason i keep trying every single day and not give up. you're the reason a smile is on my face most of the time these days.

i love you so, so, so much. i am so blessed, thankful and grateful that god has paired me with you. i cannot wait for our ever growing future, and for you to become my wife.

i love you, and i would keep writing more, but you're putting down your book now and looking at me weirdly, so i have to put this letter away now.

you're the best, juliana harper willow. (soon to be curry, of course ;))

love your goofball,




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