not like this • kyle kuzma

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dear kyle,

i hate you. i fucking hate you.

i've spent all my life caring about you only to have you fuck me over like that.

i thought we were best friends, but i guess you were too cool for me. is that why you decided to join the bullies in humiliating me? the bullies you used to tell me were just jealous of me and that i was supposed to ignore them?

now that i look back into our friendship, you have always treated me like pure shit. i was the only person who genuinely cared for you, and you took advantage of that. i was too naive to see that you manipulated me into doing everything for you. before, saying no to you meant the end of the world. our friendship was everything to me, and i couldn't risk losing it, so i would always constantly say yes to anything you would ask of me.

i was so foolish. so stupid. i can't believe i actually encouraged you to join the basketball team and hang out with the rudest people in school. i knew in my head that you would probably change from the popularity and attention but i followed my gut instead. i didn't want to believe that you would ever betray me. you were my best friend, after all.

little did i know, you had changed. i don't know who you are anymore. the kind hearted, loving, caring, sweet, supportive, generous, funny, quirky, and lovable boy i used to know is gone. now you are just some cocky, rude, arrogant, spiteful and self-centred jock.

i really believed that popularity wouldn't get to you, and you would always be by my side forever. i wanted you to follow your dreams, but not like this.

you, kyle kuzma, are an asshole. i fucking despise you with every fucking part of me.

it's funny how quickly things can change, and how you can go from caring so deeply about someone to never wanting to see them ever again.




thoughts on the anthony davis trade ??

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