bully • devin booker

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dear devin,

why do you have to be so mean?

you're probably never going to see this, so i'm going to let out everything i feel towards you.

ever since the beginning of middle school to this day, you've made every single school day miserable for me.

i've never had a day of school go by where i haven't gotten mocked, teased, pushed, shouted and laughed at by you. you are a bully. i know it. you know it. everyone knows it.

i've never done anything to you. never have i once acknowledged you, and yet you still continue to call me out and publicly humiliate me.

my mom always asks why i'm so upset everyday after school. i don't tell her. because i know if i tell her, she'll tell the school, and you'll come after me more than you already do.

but then again - what do i have to lose?

i can't possibly think of how you can hurt me further. what you do every single day to me is painful enough.

you think you rule the school and you have the power to make fun of everyone you want to make fun of. being honest, you do. but it doesn't mean you should do it.

what have all these people done to you? the fact that making other people upset is something you purely do for your personal entertainment is horrible and disgusting.

you're not the most popular kid for the good reasons. yeah, you're talented at basketball, but that's it. you're popular because nobody is brave enough to stand against you, but only with you.

you know what you do to people and the fact that you're okay with it - okay with any of this, is sickening.

i hate you, devin booker. i despise you.

how does it feel to be the reason i'm no longer alive?




no hate please, i love dbook

disclaimer - if you are getting bullied, or you see someone getting bullied, stand up. make your voice heard. don't you dare be the bystander and let yourself or anyone be put down by someone who is no better than you are. stop things before they get out of hand. if you feel like committing suicide, or know anyone who is, DON'T DO IT. it isn't worth it. there are people who love and care about you, and are willing to help and support you through this rough patch of your life. as long as you surround yourself with the right, loving people, then you'll be fine. <3

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